All changes were made on function.php.
at lupercalia_slider() add this (around line 572):
$defaults = array (
“category_id” => 0,
“visible_items” => 1,
“num_posts” => 4,
“post_offset” => 0,
“auto_play” => true,
“mobile_items” => 1,
“orderby” => ‘ASC’,
“post__not_in” => null,
and this (around line 587):
$the_query = new WP_Query( array( ‘category__in’ => $category_id, ‘offset’ => $post_offset, ‘showposts’ => $num_posts, ‘post__not_in’ => $post__not_in, ‘orderby’ => $orderby, ) );
after this, you have to change lupercalia_relatedpost() function to make it skip the post which is being displayed (around line 672 ):
$args = array (
‘category_id’ => lupercalia_post_category(),
‘num_posts’ => $option[‘relatedposts_slider_field’][‘relatedposts_slider_numposts_field’],
‘visible_items’ => $option[‘relatedposts_slider_field’][‘relatedposts_slider_visibleitems_field’],
‘mobile_items’ => $option[‘relatedposts_slider_field’][‘relatedposts_slider_mobileitems_field’],
‘auto_play’ => $option[‘relatedposts_slider_field’][‘relatedposts_slider_autoplay_field’],
‘orderby’ => $option[‘relatedposts_slider_field’][‘relatedposts_slider_random_field’],
‘post__not_in’ => array($post->ID),
and this (around line 686):
$args = array ( ‘num_posts’ => 5, ‘visible_items’ => 3, ‘category_id’ => lupercalia_post_category(), ‘mobile_items’ => 2, “auto_play” => ‘false’, ‘orderby’ => ‘rand’, ‘post__not_in’ => array($post->ID) );