• I have gotten the blog by email function to work correctly. It will display that I have email when I check the wp-mail.php address and runs normally except… it is not posting the actual body of the email- only the header. Is this due to the partiuclar POP account that I’m using or perhaps something else…? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. -J.

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  • Well I simply replaced lines 367 – 379 in /wp-includes/class-pop3.php with this code below(which I took from the above solution in WordPress Trac) and it worked. I also commented out “continue;” …

    Works perfectly in 2 blogs I have in WP 2.2.

    while ( !ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line))
    $line = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    if (preg_match(“/^\s+/”, $line) && $count > 0) {
    $MsgArray[$count-1] .= $line;
    // continue;
    if(empty($line)) { break; }
    if ((ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line)) || (empty($line))) { break; }

    //Strip any extra leading periods and store the result
    if (ereg(“^\.\.”, $line)) {
    $MsgArray[$count] = substr($line, 1);
    } else {
    $MsgArray[$count] = $line;

    $MsgArray[$count] = $line;
    return $MsgArray;


    This addition to the code worked for me, it gets rid of the extra point. But only when sending emails from my pc. When the blog owner sent an email, the content is blank, and when sent from his mobile device nothing arrived at all. Suppose this was the way he sent it? HTML or something which I am looking in to.

    Even more bizarrely, one entry was stored under > manage > posts > but the title was <!–enpts–>Test 3<!–enpte–>. The post did not display on the site at all, but you could preview. Strange.

    Also, when sending an image, the image does not show inline but as a bunch of code.

    In this day and age there must be so much demand for these services, I am surprised I can not send email messages (with images) from my mobile phone as a standard, or even find usable extensions or codec docs to add this usability to my blog.

    Anybody have any ideas, suggestions?

    I am utterly lost. I cant tell when line 367 begins. I am looking at it throught word pad and notebook and nothing. Suggestions?

    If someoneo just have the edited class-php file already downloaded and post it that would be cool too

    I posted the version of class-pop3.php here below which works for me. Simply copy the code below and replace class-pop3.php in your wp/wp-includes/ folder.

    * mail_fetch/setup.php
    * Copyright (c) 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
    * Copyright (c) 1999 CDI ([email protected]) All Rights Reserved
    * Modified by Philippe Mingo 2001 [email protected]
    * An RFC 1939 compliant wrapper class for the POP3 protocol.
    * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING.
    * pop3 class
    * $Id: class-pop3.php 4945 2007-02-25 18:19:21Z ryan $

    class POP3 {
    var $ERROR = ”; // Error string.

    var $TIMEOUT = 60; // Default timeout before giving up on a
    // network operation.

    var $COUNT = -1; // Mailbox msg count

    var $BUFFER = 512; // Socket buffer for socket fgets() calls.
    // Per RFC 1939 the returned line a POP3
    // server can send is 512 bytes.

    var $FP = ”; // The connection to the server’s
    // file descriptor

    var $MAILSERVER = ”; // Set this to hard code the server name

    var $DEBUG = FALSE; // set to true to echo pop3
    // commands and responses to error_log
    // this WILL log passwords!

    var $BANNER = ”; // Holds the banner returned by the
    // pop server – used for apop()

    var $ALLOWAPOP = FALSE; // Allow or disallow apop()
    // This must be set to true
    // manually

    function POP3 ( $server = ”, $timeout = ” ) {
    if( !empty($server) ) {
    // Do not allow programs to alter MAILSERVER
    // if it is already specified. They can get around
    // this if they -really- want to, so don’t count on it.
    $this->MAILSERVER = $server;
    if(!empty($timeout)) {
    $this->TIMEOUT = $timeout;
    if (!ini_get(‘safe_mode’))
    return true;

    function update_timer () {
    if (!ini_get(‘safe_mode’))
    return true;

    function connect ($server, $port = 110) {
    // Opens a socket to the specified server. Unless overridden,
    // port defaults to 110. Returns true on success, false on fail

    // If MAILSERVER is set, override $server with it’s value

    if (!isset($port) || !$port) {$port = 110;}
    $server = $this->MAILSERVER;

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 connect:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No server specified”);
    return false;

    $fp = @fsockopen(“$server”, $port, $errno, $errstr);

    if(!$fp) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 connect:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$errno] [$errstr]”;
    return false;

    $reply = fgets($fp,$this->BUFFER);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    error_log(“POP3 SEND [connect: $server] GOT [$reply]”,0);
    if(!$this->is_ok($reply)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 connect:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    $this->FP = $fp;
    $this->BANNER = $this->parse_banner($reply);
    return true;

    function user ($user = “”) {
    // Sends the USER command, returns true or false

    if( empty($user) ) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 user:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“no login ID submitted”);
    return false;
    } elseif(!isset($this->FP)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 user:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“connection not established”);
    return false;
    } else {
    $reply = $this->send_cmd(“USER $user”);
    if(!$this->is_ok($reply)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 user:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    } else
    return true;

    function pass ($pass = “”) {
    // Sends the PASS command, returns # of msgs in mailbox,
    // returns false (undef) on Auth failure

    if(empty($pass)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pass:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No password submitted”);
    return false;
    } elseif(!isset($this->FP)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pass:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“connection not established”);
    return false;
    } else {
    $reply = $this->send_cmd(“PASS $pass”);
    if(!$this->is_ok($reply)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pass:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Authentication failed “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    } else {
    // Auth successful.
    $count = $this->last(“count”);
    $this->COUNT = $count;
    return $count;

    function apop ($login,$pass) {
    // Attempts an APOP login. If this fails, it’ll
    // try a standard login. YOUR SERVER MUST SUPPORT
    // (apop is optional per rfc1939)

    if(!isset($this->FP)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 apop:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;
    } elseif(!$this->ALLOWAPOP) {
    $retVal = $this->login($login,$pass);
    return $retVal;
    } elseif(empty($login)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 apop:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No login ID submitted”);
    return false;
    } elseif(empty($pass)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 apop:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No password submitted”);
    return false;
    } else {
    $banner = $this->BANNER;
    if( (!$banner) or (empty($banner)) ) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 apop:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No server banner”) . ‘ – ‘ . _(“abort”);
    $retVal = $this->login($login,$pass);
    return $retVal;
    } else {
    $AuthString = $banner;
    $AuthString .= $pass;
    $APOPString = md5($AuthString);
    $cmd = “APOP $login $APOPString”;
    $reply = $this->send_cmd($cmd);
    if(!$this->is_ok($reply)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 apop:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“apop authentication failed”) . ‘ – ‘ . _(“abort”);
    $retVal = $this->login($login,$pass);
    return $retVal;
    } else {
    // Auth successful.
    $count = $this->last(“count”);
    $this->COUNT = $count;
    return $count;

    function login ($login = “”, $pass = “”) {
    // Sends both user and pass. Returns # of msgs in mailbox or
    // false on failure (or -1, if the error occurs while getting
    // the number of messages.)

    if( !isset($this->FP) ) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 login:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;
    } else {
    $fp = $this->FP;
    if( !$this->user( $login ) ) {
    // Preserve the error generated by user()
    return false;
    } else {
    $count = $this->pass($pass);
    if( (!$count) || ($count == -1) ) {
    // Preserve the error generated by last() and pass()
    return false;
    } else
    return $count;

    function top ($msgNum, $numLines = “0”) {
    // Gets the header and first $numLines of the msg body
    // returns data in an array with each returned line being
    // an array element. If $numLines is empty, returns
    // only the header information, and none of the body.

    if(!isset($this->FP)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 top:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;

    $fp = $this->FP;
    $buffer = $this->BUFFER;
    $cmd = “TOP $msgNum $numLines”;
    fwrite($fp, “TOP $msgNum $numLines\r\n”);
    $reply = fgets($fp, $buffer);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    if($this->DEBUG) {
    @error_log(“POP3 SEND [$cmd] GOT [$reply]”,0);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 top:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;

    $count = 0;
    $MsgArray = array();

    $line = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    while ( !ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line))
    $MsgArray[$count] = $line;
    $line = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    if(empty($line)) { break; }

    return $MsgArray;

    function pop_list ($msgNum = “”) {
    // If called with an argument, returns that msgs’ size in octets
    // No argument returns an associative array of undeleted
    // msg numbers and their sizes in octets

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pop_list:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;
    $fp = $this->FP;
    $Total = $this->COUNT;
    if( (!$Total) or ($Total == -1) )
    return false;
    if($Total == 0)
    return array(“0″,”0”);
    // return -1; // mailbox empty


    $cmd = “LIST $msgNum”;
    $reply = fgets($fp,$this->BUFFER);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    if($this->DEBUG) {
    @error_log(“POP3 SEND [$cmd] GOT [$reply]”,0);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pop_list:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    list($junk,$num,$size) = preg_split(‘/\s+/’,$reply);
    return $size;
    $cmd = “LIST”;
    $reply = $this->send_cmd($cmd);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pop_list:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    $MsgArray = array();
    $MsgArray[0] = $Total;
    for($msgC=1;$msgC <= $Total; $msgC++)
    if($msgC > $Total) { break; }
    $line = fgets($fp,$this->BUFFER);
    $line = $this->strip_clf($line);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 pop_list:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Premature end of list”);
    return false;
    list($thisMsg,$msgSize) = preg_split(‘/\s+/’,$line);
    if($thisMsg != $msgC)
    $MsgArray[$msgC] = “deleted”;
    $MsgArray[$msgC] = $msgSize;
    return $MsgArray;

    function get ($msgNum) {
    // Retrieve the specified msg number. Returns an array
    // where each line of the msg is an array element.

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 get:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;


    $fp = $this->FP;
    $buffer = $this->BUFFER;
    $cmd = “RETR $msgNum”;
    $reply = $this->send_cmd($cmd);

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 get:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;

    $count = 0;
    $MsgArray = array();

    $line = “”;
    while ( !ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line))
    $line = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    if (preg_match(“/^\s+/”, $line) && $count > 0) {
    $MsgArray[$count-1] .= $line;
    // continue;
    if(empty($line)) { break; }
    if ((ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line)) || (empty($line))) { break; }

    //Strip any extra leading periods and store the result
    if (ereg(“^\.\.”, $line)) {
    $MsgArray[$count] = substr($line, 1);
    } else {
    $MsgArray[$count] = $line;

    $MsgArray[$count] = $line;
    return $MsgArray;

    function last ( $type = “count” ) {
    // Returns the highest msg number in the mailbox.
    // returns -1 on error, 0+ on success, if type != count
    // results in a popstat() call (2 element array returned)

    $last = -1;
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 last:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return $last;

    $reply = $this->send_cmd(“STAT”);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 last:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return $last;

    $Vars = preg_split(‘/\s+/’,$reply);
    $count = $Vars[1];
    $size = $Vars[2];
    if($type != “count”)
    return array($count,$size);
    return $count;

    function reset () {
    // Resets the status of the remote server. This includes
    // resetting the status of ALL msgs to not be deleted.
    // This method automatically closes the connection to the server.

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 reset:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;
    $reply = $this->send_cmd(“RSET”);
    // The POP3 RSET command -never- gives a -ERR
    // response – if it ever does, something truely
    // wild is going on.

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 reset:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    @error_log(“POP3 reset: ERROR [$reply]”,0);
    return true;

    function send_cmd ( $cmd = “” )
    // Sends a user defined command string to the
    // POP server and returns the results. Useful for
    // non-compliant or custom POP servers.
    // Do NOT includ the \r\n as part of your command
    // string – it will be appended automatically.

    // The return value is a standard fgets() call, which
    // will read up to $this->BUFFER bytes of data, until it
    // encounters a new line, or EOF, whichever happens first.

    // This method works best if $cmd responds with only
    // one line of data.

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 send_cmd:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 send_cmd:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Empty command string”);
    return “”;

    $fp = $this->FP;
    $buffer = $this->BUFFER;
    $reply = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    if($this->DEBUG) { @error_log(“POP3 SEND [$cmd] GOT [$reply]”,0); }
    return $reply;

    function quit() {
    // Closes the connection to the POP3 server, deleting
    // any msgs marked as deleted.

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 quit:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“connection does not exist”);
    return false;
    $fp = $this->FP;
    $cmd = “QUIT”;
    $reply = fgets($fp,$this->BUFFER);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    if($this->DEBUG) { @error_log(“POP3 SEND [$cmd] GOT [$reply]”,0); }
    return true;

    function popstat () {
    // Returns an array of 2 elements. The number of undeleted
    // msgs in the mailbox, and the size of the mbox in octets.

    $PopArray = $this->last(“array”);

    if($PopArray == -1) { return false; }

    if( (!$PopArray) or (empty($PopArray)) )
    return false;
    return $PopArray;

    function uidl ($msgNum = “”)
    // Returns the UIDL of the msg specified. If called with
    // no arguments, returns an associative array where each
    // undeleted msg num is a key, and the msg’s uidl is the element
    // Array element 0 will contain the total number of msgs

    if(!isset($this->FP)) {
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 uidl:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;

    $fp = $this->FP;
    $buffer = $this->BUFFER;

    if(!empty($msgNum)) {
    $cmd = “UIDL $msgNum”;
    $reply = $this->send_cmd($cmd);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 uidl:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    list ($ok,$num,$myUidl) = preg_split(‘/\s+/’,$reply);
    return $myUidl;
    } else {

    $UIDLArray = array();
    $Total = $this->COUNT;
    $UIDLArray[0] = $Total;

    if ($Total < 1)
    return $UIDLArray;
    $cmd = “UIDL”;
    fwrite($fp, “UIDL\r\n”);
    $reply = fgets($fp, $buffer);
    $reply = $this->strip_clf($reply);
    if($this->DEBUG) { @error_log(“POP3 SEND [$cmd] GOT [$reply]”,0); }
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 uidl:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Error “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;

    $line = “”;
    $count = 1;
    $line = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    while ( !ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line)) {
    if(ereg(“^\.\r\n”,$line)) {
    list ($msg,$msgUidl) = preg_split(‘/\s+/’,$line);
    $msgUidl = $this->strip_clf($msgUidl);
    if($count == $msg) {
    $UIDLArray[$msg] = $msgUidl;
    $UIDLArray[$count] = ‘deleted’;
    $line = fgets($fp,$buffer);
    return $UIDLArray;

    function delete ($msgNum = “”) {
    // Flags a specified msg as deleted. The msg will not
    // be deleted until a quit() method is called.

    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 delete:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No connection to server”);
    return false;
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 delete:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“No msg number submitted”);
    return false;
    $reply = $this->send_cmd(“DELE $msgNum”);
    $this->ERROR = _(“POP3 delete:”) . ‘ ‘ . _(“Command failed “) . “[$reply]”;
    return false;
    return true;

    // *********************************************************

    // The following methods are internal to the class.

    function is_ok ($cmd = “”) {
    // Return true or false on +OK or -ERR

    if( empty($cmd) )
    return false;
    return( ereg (“^\+OK”, $cmd ) );

    function strip_clf ($text = “”) {
    // Strips \r\n from server responses

    return $text;
    else {
    $stripped = str_replace(“\r”,”,$text);
    $stripped = str_replace(“\n”,”,$stripped);
    return $stripped;

    function parse_banner ( $server_text ) {
    $outside = true;
    $banner = “”;
    $length = strlen($server_text);
    for($count =0; $count < $length; $count++)
    $digit = substr($server_text, $count, 1);
    if (!empty($digit)) {
    if( (!$outside) && ($digit != ‘<‘) && ($digit != ‘>’) )
    $banner .= $digit;
    if ($digit == ‘<‘)
    $outside = false;
    if($digit == ‘>’)
    $outside = true;
    $banner = $this->strip_clf($banner); // Just in case
    return “<$banner>”;

    } // End class


    Just a note that I applied the Trac patch listed above to my blog, and it solved the problem.

    I’m using the above script, but I still dont get a body posted. Any other ideas? I’m using 2.2.1

    I’ve updated the code in class-pop3.php and the body shows now. But no matter how I send it (HTML, Plain TXT, Western ISO or UTF-8) the body has added “=” and other characters. Any suggestions?

    Installed WordPress only 2 days ago. Using wp-cron en wp-cron-mail, i received te mails without body from cell, lotus notes AND Gmail.
    The cell email got the body ok, but the subject has iso info preceding subject text.
    Finally without patching got gmail to get it right, using the plain-text option when composing. This only works if not sent in UTF8 format.
    After replacing the complete class-pop3.php with above mentioned complete patch: no body from gmail. Cell gave ame result as before. Weird.

    I recently installed WordPress and have been trying to blog by email and was not getting the body of the email to post. I have tried using the code riggie11 posted, but it still isn’t working correctly. This is what I got when I tried doing an email post.

    I am testing out the Blog By Email =
    feature of Word=20
    Press. I am not sure if I will keep it even if it works. I =
    run the=20
    risk of the email address getting SPAMMED and what gets sent to the =
    address gets posted. I will just have to wait and=20

    This seems to be a rather elusive fix, since POP3 emails can involve quite a number of factors. I’ve used igudo‘s fix above, which helps, but I’m told that when you enter a double-quote, that the post via email will be prematurely ended. Or, there may be leading spaces and blanks in front of a blog post.

    I’ve got a discussion in the comment thread at https://www.djchuang.com/2007/wordpress-fix-for-blog-post-via-email/

    peymano’s fix worked perfectly for me (running 2.2). It even works with mail sent from gmail. Great job friend.

    I just tried the peymano fix today (now I’m running WP 2.2.2 – latest recent security update) and that only got me a title on the post via email. The message body didn’t make it through, and the blog entry was blank. ??

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