Blocks not appearing as they do in the website…
I have recently started using MailPoet, and it has been working great. I mainly use it for post notifications where I include the whole post in the email. That has been my preference, but I’m wondering if I might have to make a change.
In my website, I really like the Stackable Blocks plugin, and out of about 12 collections that I have tried, it has the most robust formatting options. One of the Blocks of theirs that I like is an Icon List where you can replace the default bullet icon with a different icon (like music symbols in the above referenced page –>
However, when MailPoet sends the full page, and it comes to that block, it instead sends a bunch of the upfront code instead:
List of Songs
.ugb-a916e16 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-a916e16.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
Empty Sky (8:30)
Val-Hala (4:12) (etc for rest of actual lsit with regular bulletsI asked Stackable and they wondered if the HTML mail client was not accepting more elaborate styles. Which leads me to two questions:
a. Is there a way to fix it so it DOES appear properly in the email?
b. A way to strip out the codes (a filter in MailPoet) that would ignore that type of advanced code?
It was working so well on all my feeds, I didn’t even notice that some of the blocks weren’t showing properly. I can suggest tweaks to Stackable if there is a way to integrate it there or I can embed code in the posts if that works?
I’d like to avoid just sending the excerpt only if I can help it, and I don’t want to give up the blocks, it took me a long time to find ones that worked well.
Any suggestions would be welcome…
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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