Hi Gerroald,
Thank you for your reply.
I double checked the console and there is no error there.
Via the site health plugin I found that I had a loopback problem. The specific error is
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
This is something I’ve investigated and is now with my hosting company. It looks like something they need to fix. This problem arose because I tried to setup WordFence Central and it could not connect to my site. I’m moving towards multiple sites with WordPress (not a wordpress multi-site) and going for a licensed version of WordFence (really like it ??
When I use the troubleshooting mode of the site health plugin to revert back to the default theme without plugins, I am unable to activate plugins (message is something like “an error prevented activating the plugin”). This is most likely because if the above cURL/loopback error.
Some background on the disabled button. I’m using WordFence on this site for almost two years now and it has not caused and problem. “suddenly” (I do believe there was a recent update of Wordfence) this button was disabled (no extra plugins where installed in the last period). Since it always worked I don’t think my cURL/loopback issue is related to the disabled button. I’ve seem to have had this one for some time but with “simple” use it does not show it self.
I have another WordPress site, on the same server, where I definitly did not change anything (I’m only keeping it up-to-date with the latests versions of WordPress and the plugins) and there the WordFence block button is also disabled.
Final one, I just started a new WordPress site on the same server, installed WordFence and the block button is disabled. This is still a small site, I deactivated all plugins and used the twenty/twenty theme. Only had WordFence active. The block is disabled, no errors in the console.
Does any of this ring a bell?
Many thanx!