• I just saw this on the ExpressionEngine Site, and thought this was a great idea.. Why not have an image verification system, where an image is displayed, having a number inside of it, an the user has to type in the number in order to proceed.
    I think this would limit the comment spam, so only humans can do this, and only do this one by one.
    Other web based scripts, including, I believe phpBB (or one of the other BB’s) for their registration process..
    It could be a 2-3 digit number, so it wouldnt be a hassle, but would still prevent spam..
    What do you guys think?

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  • 2-3 old thread on this:
    search and u shall find more.

    Yeah, there are usability issues associated with it, and there are other methods for preventing spam (blacklists, etc.) that work well.
    I’m not one to speak on usability topics though, as I certainly haven’t kept them in mind too much when developing my site!
    On the other hand, an image verification ‘module’ might be a nice thing to have available for people who do want to implement such features — this is far from being a ‘niche’ request. ??



    This is a really old post, but I just found it while searching for this exact plugin.

    I’m building a hike blog for a friend of mine, and I’m using WordPress for the first time. About a day into playing with it, I decided to switch over from MT2.661. But…

    I had a huge problem with comment spam for a while with MT. I tried quite a few plugins to try and stop them, but they either let some slip by every now and then or they required some attention now and then. I didn’t want any spam comments at all, and I didn’t want to have to pay any attention to it. At all.

    I installed one that I found that was exactly as described above, and it’s worked perfectly. Yes, usability is an issue, but I was willing to make that trade to breathe easier. I’m hoping I can find the same plugin for WP some day, and if I can’t, I might try my hand at writing one.




    have ever looked here?

    hope that solves your problem…

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