My site has two users. I’m both (admin and user with limited rights).
The IP address from which I connect to the server where my WP-installation is running is whitelisted and bypass all rules. But my IP address is not the same as the one that is shown in the three entrys from Pakistan that are shown in Live Traffic.
The blacked out username in the third wisit from Pakistan shown in my screenshot is not the Admin’s username. It’s the limited user’s.
I have “Don’t let WordPress reveal valid users in login errors” enabled.
In Live Traffic I can right now see many similar entrys (15 within 12 hours) marked grey (bots according to WFs color scheme) where an IP address is logged three times in a row as
1: visiting /xmlrpc.php
2: visiting /wp-login.php
3: adding “Nils” to the name of the place of origin and attempt a failed login with the username of my sites only limited user.
No one of the IP addresses behaving like that that I can see right now (from India, Turkey, Portugal etc) are within ranges I have blocked. So right now I can’t show you entrys that should have been blocked immediatly.
I can add that in Options I have set “Lock out after how many login failures” to one (1). And i have the plugin Disable XML-RPC enabled.
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This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
NilsOstergren. Reason: Adding details