Hi @qriouslad
In our case, there are several reasons why we sometimes have to block the already registered user.
Being a site for auctions and sales of sports collection items, sometimes users win a product, and choose to pay for it in another way (other than online), but they never pay for it. That user is blocked.
It also often happens that the user with bad intentions enters an auction to offer ridiculous figures, which causes other potential buyers to abandon the auction/purchase and finally the winning user does not take charge of it. That user is blocked.
I say block the registered user, because there is no point in deleting it, since it will be registered again. We understand that you can register with other emails and other information, but at least on our site, you must verify your cell phone number by OTP, so it is not so easy for you to create more than one account with that information.
Sure, it’s a pretty specific request, but I think many have wanted to block a user and have never had an option to do so ??
Thank you anyway.