Block IPs of all 'admin' logins
I’ve renamed my user account and deleted the original account named ‘admin’.
I’d like Wordfence to permanently block the IP addresses behind all attempted logins as ‘admin’. None of the current features will automatically block these, even temporarily.
There are over a hundred login attempts as ‘admin’ an hour. Since I know all of them are fake (there is no ‘admin’) I’d like to auto-block them, and make it permanent.
Any tips or hacks? If not, Wordfence, you might want to make this a premium feature. Tell me and I’ll subscribe.
From my perspective, if there were a way to disable anyone from using the login of ‘admin’ or ‘administrator’ when registering, that would be awesome.
Good news hehafner. Under the Login Security Options you’ll find: Prevent users registering ‘admin’ username if it doesn’t exist. What would nice if that included all variations of that term and also include “guest”.
Good news hehafner. Under the Login Security Options you’ll find: Prevent users registering ‘admin’ username if it doesn’t exist. What would nice if that included all variations of that term and also include “guest”.
Read back to my response to hehafner. I already suggest a plugin that does this.
My apologies to the people in this thread. I went back through all the posts since the beginning of this thread and was reminded of a post I made 9 months ago. I stated:
Wordfence allows you to immediately lock out invalid usernames. Recently they added the feature “Prevent users registering ‘admin’ username if it doesn’t exist” which I am glad for. However, my block list is heavy… I get hits for admin, adm, administrator, adminadmin, manager, user…
Back then, my biggest problem was that blocking invalid usernames made my block list long & cumbersome. Back then, my servers ran slower because my log files & database entries were huge. I was getting buried in email telling me of all the hack attempts.
To circumvent that problem, it was suggested that I not block IP addresses or invalid usernames for more than a few hours, instead of days. Another suggestion was to turn off the switch that sends email for all the attempts.
So, I do have “Immediately lock out invalid usernames,” “Don’t let WordPress reveal valid users in login errors,” and “Prevent users registering ‘admin’ username if it doesn’t exist” check marked. Now, Wordfence has “Maximum email alerts to send per hour” added where you can limit your email alerts per hour.
@sgpark Perhaps you don’t mean to be or sound aggressive in your posts. But they do come across harshly. Although I appreciate your feedback and your help, nobody needs to feel like their opinion is stupid, unnecessary, or irrelevant. There are many on board here who may not know how to verbalize, in English, what they are experiencing. Of course, posting and reading posts is a two way street. The reader is also responsible for how a post is read. And, as a reader, I need a thicker skin so as to not take offense with another person’s posts. So, let me apologize for seemingly frustrating you, who I assume is not a Wordfence tech support person. I originally came here for help. Not to be flamed.
@storyman Thank you for your patience and enlightenment. However, I should have reread my previous posts before posting. I am glad that Wordfence now blocks users from choosing ‘admin’ for a username. I still wish there was a better way to allow users to retrieve their usernames when they typo or forget their username. But this, I believe, should be a WordPress addition…not Wordfence.
Hi Guys,
I have been mildly entertained by today’s earlier discussion/debate. I don’t think any of us disagree that WordFence can do what it has been programmed to, but that some of us want a little more fine tuning on what it can do (myself included, as I made two optional implementation suggestions above that would satisfy what has been suggested).For restricting usernames, definitely check out the plugin that @sgpark suggested: as it will have additional options that go above and beyond what I’d recommend WordFence get involved in. (That is unless the WordFence developers want to go that route.)
For blanket blocking certain usernames, I didn’t find anything too specific online, so I wrote up a simple plugin script. All the variables (i.e. blocked usernames) are in the code itself, so if you know a little bit of php, it should be very easy to modify to your liking. Also, if any more savvy programmers want to turn this into an official plugin, be my guest.
I don’t know how involved WordPress runs when trying to log in users, but this plugin is pretty light weight in that there are no WP settings or really anything added to the DB to cause bloat. One should use WP’s internal plugin editor if they want to make changes (or FTP + your preferred code editor).
Note: My code doesn’t “ban” bad usernames IPs or anything, it just sets up a brick wall that stops the WP Login process for the usernames in its list. Also, its priority is set to run between WP’s initial checks and WordFence so you won’t get WordFence generated emails notifying you when this plugin blocks a login attempt from one of the banned usernames.
For those of you who are interested, enjoy. ??
~CamWe are all guilty at one time or another of losing track of a thread.
As much as I like Wordfence (hey, I have purchased licenses) there are lingering issues. As I eluded to earlier there is a performance hit with Wordfence. I first clued in when doing a database backup. The DB had swelled by several megs. Brought the issue to WF’s developers attention and was told that the plugin was designed to self-clean periodically; except it wasn’t. They suggested installing Wordfence Assistant.
On further investigation I discovered that reason for the mammoth DB increase was the wfHits table. By emptying the table using the plugin WP-DBmanager the DB returned to normal size. Of course this meant that the Live Data was dumped including any IPs blocked by WF, but not the permanently blocked IPs that I had blocked.
If you’re savvy enough to venture into the DB take a look at the wf-Hits table and determine for yourself if it is worth periodically emptying. Wordfence Assistant or WP-DBmanager both do the job with less worry.
Good summary of the banter.
Of all the solutions for blocking bad login names your solution is the most eloquent solution. Thanks for sharing.
@sgpark & @cam Thank you for the suggestion of Restrict Usernames. I will check it out for sure.
@storyman I’ve gotten pretty savvy of going into the DB and clearing tables. I agree, the wfHits table fills up fast and I’ve never seen it or any other WF table self clean. I will look at WordFence Assistant and WP-DBmanager to help simplify this process.
My concern with adding plugins is both security and speed. I have some sites with so many plugins that it gums up memory and clogs the users experience. Yet, the other concern is, if we ask for various helps in one plugin, will we get the same problem with bloat as we would with using more plugins?
Thank you all.
@hehafner & others,
Whole hardly agree with plugin bloat–either using an additional plugin or modifying an existing one. It’s interesting to see the plugins that some of the hackers’ bots search for in the 404 list. I suspect they are looking for sites that have plugins with known security holes.
The ‘self-cleaning’ claim came from WF. Hadn’t heard of a plugin that moderates its tables and self-cleans either, but it is something the plugin is designed to do (but isn’t).
I mention table bloat because some readers use Bluehost, JustHost, and HostMonster (all EIG owned). They are decent virtual host companies but have gotcha’s that most customers don’t know about. For example, a basic account allows unlimited websites except that the aggregate number of DB tables cannot exceed one-thousand. Important stuff if your thinking of installing multiple WordPress sites heavily burden with plugins or a few Drupal sites (that install over 300 tables per site just to start).
Thanks @storyman for the compliment on my simple script/plugin. It is unlikely to be a plugin that would slow down a site any noticeable amount because it is so small and targeted.
I agree with everyone about wanting to keep the number of plugins in use down to keep our sites running as efficient as possible.
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