Block field with all blocks
Hello, I need all blocks in field block.
if ( ! function_exists( 'get_prefix_css' ) ) {
function get_prefix_css( $css,$prefix ) {
# Wipe all block comments
$css = preg_replace('!/\*.*?\*/!s', '', $css);
$parts = explode( '}', $css);
$keyframeStarted = false;
$mediaQueryStarted = false;
foreach( $parts as &$part ) {
$part = trim( $part ); # Wht not trim immediately .. ?
if ( empty( $part ) ) {
$keyframeStarted = false;
} else {
$partDetails = explode( '{', $part );
if (strpos( $part, 'keyframes') !== false ) {
$keyframeStarted = true;
if ( $keyframeStarted) {
if ( substr_count( $part, "{" )==2) {
$mediaQuery = $partDetails[0] . "{";
$partDetails[0] = $partDetails[1];
$mediaQueryStarted = true;
$subParts = explode( ',', $partDetails[0] );
foreach( $subParts as &$subPart ) {
if ( trim( $subPart ) === "@font-face" ) continue;
else $subPart = $prefix . ' ' . trim( $subPart );
if ( substr_count( $part, "{" ) == 2 ) {
$part = $mediaQuery . "\n" . implode( ', ', $subParts ) . "{".$partDetails[2];
} elseif ( empty( $part[0] ) && $mediaQueryStarted ) {
$mediaQueryStarted = false;
$part = implode( ', ', $subParts) . "{" . $partDetails[2] . "}\n"; //finish media query
} else {
if ( isset( $partDetails[1] ) ) {
# Sometimes, without this check,
# there is an error-notice, we don't need that..
$part = implode( ', ', $subParts ) . "{" . $partDetails[1];
unset( $partDetails, $mediaQuery, $subParts ); # Kill those three ..
} unset( $part ); # Kill this one as well
# Finish with the whole new prefixed string/file in one line
return(preg_replace( '/\s+/',' ',implode("} ", $parts ) ));
add_filter( 'acfe/fields/block_editor/settings', 'core_plugin_acfe_fields_block_editor_settings', 10, 2 );
function core_plugin_acfe_fields_block_editor_settings( $settings, $field ) {
if ( count( $settings['iso']['blocks']['allowBlocks'] ) < 12 ) {
$settings['iso']['blocks']['allowBlocks'] = array_values( array_map( function( $block ) {
return $block->name;
}, WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_all_registered() ) );
foreach( $settings['editor']['styles'] as $k => $style ) {
$settings['editor']['styles'][ $k ]['css'] = get_prefix_css( $style['css'], '#wpbody-content .editor-styles-wrapper' );
add_action( 'admin_footer', function() use ( $settings ) {
if ( did_action( current_filter() ) === 1 ) :
$styles = join( '', array_map(function( $style ) {
return $style['css'];
}, $settings['editor']['styles'] ) );
#edittag {
max-width: inherit;
<?php echo str_replace(
'.editor-styles-wrapper body',
'.editor-styles-wrapper ',
); ?>
} );
return $settings;
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