• I started blogging one year ago, and I chose GoDaddy for my hosting (BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER) and now am suffering all the time with their really cheap hosting, errors, downtimes, and useless support !

    My wordpress based blog gets down several times a day, and I’m also suffering with the error “500 Internal server error” when I load my website, and I asked for their help numerous times but all I get was useless answers.

    I even tried to upgrade my account to their 4 grid hosting (supposedly better), yet non of issues were solved, if fact things have became even worse !

    I tried to google my frequent “500 internal sever error” problem just to find out that many out there are suffering the same problem with GoDaddy.

    I heard turning of the FastCGI may resolve the problem, but I don’t know how to do that, do any one have any idea ? This will be my last chance with GoDaddy then I’m moving to another webhosting company.

    The funny thing is that when I asked friends who are running similar blogs with other web hostings, they said their blogs were down maybe once or twice during a whole year, while my GoDaddy hosted blog gets down 10/20 times a day !!

    Thanks GoDaddy for ruining my life and my hardwork !

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  • Well, nevermind, I THINK or HOPE I found the culprit. I belive the Cubepoints system is causing the 500 errors. I swear I had those shut off before and I was still receiving the errors, but it’s been quite awhile since any of the errors have come up and they have been off this entire time…. why all of a sudden though, I have no idea.

    Yep…. doing it again. I officially have no idea

    Is there anything in your error logs?

    no…. nothing that suggests this

    Can you turn all of your plugins off for a few hours and see if that helps? What about your theme? Some function-heavy themes can impose quite a load on the server.

    the errors really only affect me mostly.

    So what tasks are you doing that are different to those carried out by the other site users?

    Also you should be looking at your PHP error log. Your Server error log will not indicate php coding errors or show the problem script or plugin, but a PHP error log will. Also if you are having MySQL problems you can also monitor these in a PHP error log.


    Well, really the only “tasks” which I do differently than other site users is just the fact that I’m the admin, so more resources, plugins and other things are running for my GUI and interface that don’t run for theirs. The admin interface is always more resource heavy.

    Do you really think a theme would be doing this months later though? I don’t, but maybe so.

    After checking the PHP error logs, I see a lot of “premature end of script headers: index.php” I noticed that I was getting an error with the Cubepoints plugins, which I mentioned I deactivated, so not sure if that was what that was form or not.

    My thoughts: The words ‘support’ and GoDaddy’ are not be used in one sentence, ever…

    lol Swanson… yeah well, nothing’s perfect.

    I found another error that sounds an awful lot like the other one I listed called: “Script timed out before returning headers: index.php”

    Are you on a shared server?

    Yes, deluxe 4GH. Their newest grid shared servers.

    Create a phpinfo.php file which simply contains:

    <? phpinfo(); ?>

    And upload to the root of your WP install, then browse to the file:


    and look specificaly at:


    Is it 30 seconds?

    That’s not showing up. I don’t see any ‘max_execution_time’ listed anywhere.

    However, I’m starting to guess that it WAS one of the two Cubepoints plugins I deactivated as I haven’t had the errors or any slowness for a pretty long time now. I dunno. Earlier when I first deactivated them, it seemed fine as well, but about half hour later the site became real slow, never saw the errors, but also never waited as long as I could have due to just being frustrated.

    But, like I said, now it seems okay. I would really just like to know what the whole ‘premature end of script headers: index.php’ actually means as I think it’s funny that anytime this error shows up elsewhere online, nobody has an answer for what that actually means. Obviously, it’s a script issue, but what’s the meaning of it.

    I did find something about a possible user RAM limit that each host gives that may also be a culprit as it makes sense with myself having more erros and issues than other site users. I dunno.

    I love how as soon as I say that the site works, it goes down again with the error. However, reloading the page allowed the site to work, but still. What is going on?

    Error’s reappearing, however, right before it did, I started getting an error saying I don’t have the correct permissions to access the page…. what the heck is going on???? Any help what-so-ever?

    Same error in the error log as well. Cubepoints are still turned off too.

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