• I really like the navigation bar the theme Blix (picture here – https://i7.tinypic.com/24q7l39.jpg) I circled the part I am talking about. I have also seen it used in various other websites around too.

    I’m wondering if anyone has the codes for how I can make a navigation like this apart from just using the Blix theme. I know it is in the CSS. I did look around the Blix css but nothing really achieved it totally.

    And yes, I am talking about everything, including the changed color when hovered/selected.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks! =)

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  • You have a copy of Blix? Why not copy the navigation css and use it for what you need?

    Thread Starter enicole


    ^ I did, however the css was located in 2 seperate stylesheets and was difficult to put together so it ended up not quite working.

    It’s actually sort of tough when you have to extract the css code from 2 different stylesheets and try to piece it together, for me atleast.

    I just thought since this style of navigation was fairly common someone could help me.

    We’ll see, I guess ??


    I’ve quickly skimmed the Blix theme and copy/pasted the navigational elements you want.

    You can find it here: Pastebin/770298

    You may need to DOUBLE CHECK this against your version, to ensure that all navigational coding is complete.

    Hope this helps you out.

    When Blix was created, there were no concepts of child pages.

    Blix does not use the wp_list_pages function to get the list of pages. It uses its own function found in its functions.php.

    The best thing would be to change it to use wp_list pages, or change the function to bring only top level pages.

    I am just giving an idea, so you can explore it on your own and learn something in the process. if you still need help, please let me know.


    Thread Starter enicole


    Thanks for your help everyone

    KatGirl – Thanks very much, I will try this. Appreciated =)

    Sadish – I am not sure we are on the same page, however I’m not sure, being only fairly aqquainted with WordPress. My question to the best of my knowledge is purely CSS related???

    I’ll keep you updated KatGirl on whether this worked.

    Thanks Again

    oops. I only looked at the picture and I thought you were talking about ‘page child’ also being listed in the navigation.
    Next time I will read thorougly before jumping into conclusions.


    Thread Starter enicole


    No problem ??

    Can someone give me a clue on how to exclude childpages from the Blix navigation bar? Totally lost here!

    o… and at the same time, I want to make a custom sidebar, sidebar2, that loads with each page and displays child pages of that one!

    (if it were me I would do it all manually, but its for another…)


    the second part, adding a sidebar with childpages to current page was easy

    (yes this is blix, will not be up long, its a testsite)

    Well I found a way to take out childpages from the horizontal navigation bar. This should be useful to many people… or at least I have wanted this!

    I looked in several places and this is simple to do by replacing the default Blix navigation code. In header.php I deleted everything after </form> and before </div><!– /navigation –>
    <?php //highlight 'Home' if not Page
    if (is_page()) {
    $highlight = "page_item";
    } else {
    $highlight = "page_item current_page_item";
    <li class="<?php echo $highlight; ?>"><a>">Home</a>
    <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li='); ?>

    and in the stylesheet I replaced:
    #navigation selected a,
    #navigation .current_page_item a,

    Well, at least I found it simple to do!

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