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  • No clue, unfortunately, but I have the very same problem.

    I’ve used the code from the developer’s website’s external Picasa example just as it is displayed on the website.

    I’ve also installed a mootools framework plugin, renamed the prototype.js (otherwise it gives an Error message), deactivated all other plugins, tried different browsers, but it doesn’t display anything at all in the post where the slideshow is supposed to be.

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    squidytopia: i’ve visited your link, but blip is not on the link you listed. either it is not installed, or it is not used on the page you listed. would you please re-check your code and send an updated link?

    Ivaya: please send a link to the page you are having trouble using Blip on and I will help you debug it.

    Hi Jason,

    you can have a look here.
    Please don’t mind the mess on the page, it’s under construction. ??

    Hey Jason,

    when we setup the blog anew with WP 3.2.1 Blip initially worked fine but at some point, just recently, it stopped working.
    You will find a example of Bip usage on this permanent page page

    WP debug mode returns:
    Notice: Undefined index: PATH_INFO in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 757
    Which says:
    if(substr($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"], 0, 5) == "/rss/" && class_exists("Blip_Slideshow_Rss_Reader")) {

    At the position where blip shoud be displayed it says (for the line with semicolon):
    Notice: Undefined variable: output in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 300

    $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">

    And a few more after the body…
    Notice: Undefined index: flash in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 195

    Notice: Undefined index: fold in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 200

    Notice: Undefined index: kenburns in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 205

    Notice: Undefined index: push in /home/ulrike/public_html/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php on line 210

    We’ve done quiet some work in the last days so it’s hard do locate the exact issue, are there any known in

    I removed all other plugins to make it’s not related but receive the same warnings.
    Could you please advise what might be causing the issue?

    So, I seem to be running into the same problem. I have entered the code as listed. I do not have prototype running on my site and I have removed the Jetpack plugin. The code I use is almost a straight copy from the example page.

    [blip-slideshow rss=]<style>div.slideshow {margin-bottom:86px}div.slideshow-thumbnails {height:86px;bottom:-86px}</style>

    The page it is to display on is with WordPress version 3.2.1, but I get nothing. I have tried several different installation options.

    • with the underscore
    • with the original album used in the example
    • making the album public
    • no style tags

    Nothing seems to make this bit of code display. I would appreciate any help you guys can offer.

    P.S. The picture of flowers that shows up is just a static image and not the slideshow.

    I’m having the same issue…

    Local install, no prototype.js file.

    Nothing shows up on the page I’ve tried to put the slideshow in, even if I test one of the examples on the developers site.

    The javascript console shows the following:
    https://localhost/wordpress/gallery/wp-content/plugins/blip-slideshow/blip.php/rss/ to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)”

    Help! I’d love to get this working.

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