• bluqueen777


    I’m not even sure if I’m asking the question correctly… newbie here [obvious newbie…] ??

    I have an existing blog that is written entirely in html, with a little css. I don’t have any experience in php.

    Is it possible to somehow be able to still use my html pages with WP? Or, could I just integrate a few details (like the comment and category functions) on my html site somehow?

    If that isn’t possible (or is difficult), can anyone please point me to a few resources to browse some interesting pre-made WP templates? Or do most users usually create or hire out their own…? ??

    Thanks in advance!!

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  • Root


    Without your url to go on this is what I would do. Get WP fitted and concentrate on the config first (eg anti spam etc). Then I would look round for a theme something like at least in shape and style (ignore the color etc) and I would install it. Then beginning with the small stuff I would edit the CSS one step at a time.



    Yes, you can use your existing HMTL pages…to a point. They need to be imported into the database or “pasted” into posts. They can include HTML, but it is best if the HTML code is validated as XHTML. That means instead of <img scr="ball.gif"> it must be <img scr="ball" /> and <br> must be <br />, so all unclosed tags must have the space slash before the end to self close them. There is a little more, but if you know any HTML, you can see where this is going.

    If you are willing to import the stuff directly into the database, I recommend that you search the forums for “Import-MT” and “Importing Static HTML” and read through the posts. It’s easy and a nightmare depending upon how consistently designed your HTML pages are. If they are a mess, either start from scratch or post them individually and fix them as you go along.

    I’m working on an article about all this but it will be a couple of weeks before going public.

    I did this with more than 500 articles in static HTML…and I’m still cleaning two..three months later.

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