• Resolved jborchart


    when I activate the plugin, the regular activate screen does not come up, only a completely blank browser screen with nothing at all on it.

    In addition, all wordpress functions on the site, including just regular plotting of the site, produce a blank screen and only a blank screen.

    I had to get into the site via FTP and delete the plugin folder in order to regain control of my site. After deleting the plugin folder, all wordpress functions returned to normal.

    I tried this twice.

    I have not too fancy of a site, using the avada theme, at https://holylandbrand.com


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  • This plugin works when using basic WordPress defaul themes… but once I activate my GoodLayers Theme ‘Versatile’ the screen goes blank. I have also started a support ticket with GoodLayers about this…. I will post any fix or info they provide.

    Plugin Author Matt Cromwell


    Sounds good. If there’s something unique about our plugin that they find relevant, let us know. Happy to make necessary changes if applicable.

    Ok, I found a fix for anyone using a GoodLayers Theme. My theme is ‘Versatile’. Not sure if this will work with other GoodLayers themes.

    The issue was related to some Twitter code. So anyone using Twitter Plugins or JetTweet.. you may want to ask the developer to fix.

    I was given a new file to replace. (twitteroauth.php)
    Located here: wp-content/versatile-v1-12/plugins/twitteroauth.php

    The only change to that file was to remove this line of code:
    if( !class_exists('OAuthException') ){

    I put this NEW twitteroauth.php file on my server for anyone to download:

    Hope this helps!!

    I am having the same problem, I am using Extra by Elegant Themes, and I have disabled ALL plugins. I get a php error when I activate the plugin.


    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 in /home/content/48/13053048/html/glp/wp-content/themes/Extra/includes/ext/oauth.php on line 125

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