• Ive installed a new webserver today:
    apache 2.0.54 php 4.4.0 mysql 4.1.13

    All scripts i try work, databases work. But wordpress DOES NOT. When i log in nothing happens. IF i manage to log in it mostly shows blank pages (no error no thingy, the page-source is empty too!) I’ve tried to login on 4 computers they all turn up blank. In IE it says 404 on many pages.

    A clean install of WP2.0 doesnt make a difference. A clean install of 1.5.2 DOES work and keeps working but im not able to use that because of plugins and my database is upgraded already!

    What happened to 2.0 that its so crappy ??

    Please help me out here!

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  • Oki now I solved the prob.
    I deleted all the files on the webserver. And then I downloaded the tar.gz instead of zip. Cleaned the database. Deleted all default plugins and classic theme. And installed like in read me. And it worked!!!

    Just a tip for other with same problem!

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