Hello there,
Thank you for reaching us!
There are a number of things that can cause a white page when opening the translation interface.
To verify this open the developer console and look for a CSP error in red (console tab).
To fix, try to install Really Simple SSL.
- JavaScript error caused by minification and merging of javascript files in plugin such as WP-Optimize.
There is an option in the plugin to exclude specific javascript so they will be ignored.
These JS files are used only in Translation Editor, so you can definitely skip any optimization on them
These scripts appear for visitors too. You can skip optimization for them if you notice JS errors or misbehaviour regarding WooCommerce cart not being translated or other JS added text not being translated.
If the JS error encountered is not due to minification please send me the error displayed in your browser console.
- PHP Error -> Enable WP_DEBUG, see what the error is in your wp-content/debug.log .
Common problems:
PHP Memory Limit Reached -> needs to be increased
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_http_output() -> the server needs to have the Multibyte String PHP library installed: https://php.net/manual/en/book.mbstring.php
Let me know about this!
Kind Regards,