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  • Plugin Author Joe Rhoney


    Have you tried deactivating other plugins and seeing if you still get the blank page?

    Thread Starter sindit


    Yes, I disabled all the other plugins and still get the blank page for AddFunc HFC under Settings.

    All the other plugins are:

    iThemes Security v4.6.13 by
    User Roles and Capabilities v1.1 by mahabub
    Custom Contact Forms, v6.7.3 by Taylor Lovett

    iThemes Security also writes to .htaccess and I do not know if those changes are undone when one disables the plugin.

    Plugin Author Joe Rhoney


    Try updating AddFunc HFC to 1.2. Often, when you get things like a WSoD there’s a possibility some file was saved with an incompatible text encoding. So I checked these plugin files to make sure all of them were UTF-8. To my dismay, one of them was not! (cringe) So I made it UTF-8 and released it as version 1.2. That may or may not have been your problem, but at least if you update, you can eliminate that variable. Let me know how that goes.

    Thread Starter sindit


    Thanks again for looking into this. With the updated plugin I still get the blank screen (within the frame of the WP dashboard) for the site wide settings. Nevertheless having all the plugin files in UTF-8 is a good thing.

    Tried to further narrow the problem down myself. It does seem to occur at sites where I renamed the wp-content directory for security reasons (an option in the iThemes Security plugin). When one does this, a bit of code is added at the top of the wp-config.php to tell WP where the new location of the content is.

    //Do not delete these. Doing so WILL break your site.
    define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', '' );
    define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/home/userdir/public_html/wpinstalldir/renamedwpcontentdir' );

    Could that have something to do with it?

    Plugin Author Joe Rhoney


    Yep. I knew this would come up eventually. It must be in addfunc-head-footer-code.php starting on line 32:

    public static function file_path($file)
          return ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/'.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),"",plugin_basename(__FILE__)).$file;

    Notice the wp-content/plugins/. For now, you can set that to the path you need it to be. I don’t think I can promise that my next version release will have a fix for this, but I’ll try. So you’ll want to watch for that. That is, unless you can suggest a replacement code snippet for that path that automatically generates the correct path. Otherwise, I’ll find it eventually.

    Let me know if that helps!

    Thread Starter sindit


    Thanks! That works indeed.

    Re: replacement code snippet

    I have no experience writing WP plugins, but this page seems to offer some advice on how to deal with custom directories:

    Plugin Author Joe Rhoney


    I think I’ve got it! Looks like we can change line 34 to:

    return plugin_dir_path(__FILE__).$file;

    If you try it on your install, let me know if it works or not. I’ll most likely be releasing an update with this change. Thanks!

    Thread Starter sindit


    That works fine. Well done!

    Plugin Author Joe Rhoney


    Awesome! Thanks for letting me know!

    Plugin Author Joe Rhoney


    Ok, this has now been updated, affective version 1.3, thanks to sindit!

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