• Users are presented with a blank page after logging in with WPMU LDAP Plugin. In ldap_auth.php I set LDAP_DEBUG_MODE to TRUE. After that, when a user logged in the blank screen displayed “DEBUG: Attempting to authenticate user: ” plus their username. Simply pressing the back space and refreshing the browser showed the user had in fact successfully logged into the system using LDAP so I added those instructions to the end of the debug message in wpmu_ldap.functions.php file.

    I had WPMU LDAP Plugin 3.1 installed. Checked and found 4.0.2 was available so I’ve upgraded to that and get the same issue.


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  • Plugin Author Aaron Axelsen


    Have you verified that the ldap settings you have entered are correct?

    Thread Starter kwgagel


    Yes I have.

    The LDAP Connection Test when saving shows successful and when a user logs in after they receive the error message, if they backspace and refresh they’re clearly logged into wordpress.

    Thread Starter kwgagel


    Inside the wpmu_ldap.function.php in the function wpmuLdapAuthenticate I’ve added some debug code to locate the where things stop.

    The LDAP_OK test evaluates to TRUE but that is as far as I can trace things (for now, I’ll keep looking). I can’t seem to find where wpmuLdapAuthenticate is called from to continue debugging.

    I know it evaluates to TRUE because I’ve added

    if(LDAP_DEBUG_MODE) echo “DEBUG: LDAP was OK.

    in the

    if ($result == LDAP_OK) {

    if group and the debug message shows up where the blank screen normally would. I’ll update further if/when I find more out.

    Thread Starter kwgagel


    OK, I’ve tried – I can’t trace it any further than the sign_on function in user.php.

    Thread Starter kwgagel


    Aaron, can you give me some further direction on this. Perhaps let me know where pepper some further debug statements so we can isolate the cause…

    Plugin Author Aaron Axelsen


    Is there anything in your apache/php error log?

    Plugin Author Aaron Axelsen


    I just tried WordPress 3.9.2 with version 4.0.2 of the plugin hitting active directory, and I cannot reproduce the blank screen.

    Can you provide some additional information about your configuration?

    Thread Starter kwgagel



    I have setup a duplicate to test with. So far all I can say definitively is that it appears to happen when the wpmuLdapAuthenticate function is returning the users data. I can echo debug statements up to that point.

    Where is wpmuLdapAuthenticate called from? I’d like to add some debug statements for the return to see what is going on. I haven’t been able to figure out where wpmuLdapAuthenticate is called.

    IIS 7.5
    Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
    Wordpress 3.9.2
    Plugins include
    Akismet 3.0.2
    Block Bad Queries (BBQ) 20140305
    BuddyPress 2.0.2
    BuddyPress Template Pack 1.2.1
    Facebook Like Box 2.7
    GTranslate 1.0.38
    Official StatCounter Plugin 1.6.7
    PluginChief Twitter Badge Widget 1.75
    Polldaddy Polls & Ratings 2.0.25
    SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam2.7.7.4
    W3 Total Cache 0.9.4
    WordPress MU Domain Mapping – set to inactive & in the must use
    WPMU Ldap Authentication 4.0.2 – in the must use

    Thread Starter kwgagel



    I have debug set to true and for wp to show me everything. I have finally chased down and corrected all of the deprecated warnings. I’ve cleaned out the debug.log file and tried logging in again. Nothing shows up in the debug.log file at all. PHP is not throwing any errors. Nothing – nada – zip!…

    In the IIS log file the page status is recorded as 200 – again, no errors here. I can also see that IIS recoreded wordpress cookie check info which included (in part) +wordpress_logged_in… with the random characters and my account name in it. Don’t know if any of that helps…

    Thread Starter kwgagel



    I have made some progress. I’ve located where in wp-login.php calls the sign on/login and where wpmuLdapAuthenticate’s results are returned.

    Looking carefully at the $user array I noticed that the [user_url] key is blank. Can this be the source of that infernal blank page?

    I’m still searching…

    Plugin Author Aaron Axelsen


    I have tried everything I can to try to reproduce the issue with my environment. Testing on apache/php against microsoft AD I have not been able to reproduce the issue.

    I do not currently have an IIS environment setup to test this with. What version of PHP are you running?

    Thread Starter kwgagel


    The server is running PHP Version 5.3.8

    However, I have been able to trace exactly where the issue is and what is causing it. I still don’t know why it’s happening or the correct way to fix it.

    I’ve got a workaround now, details in my last entry here:

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