Hey @ltraczyk
Okay great! Happy to hear that issue was resolved. Let check each points one by one:
1). In the settings, I chose to restrict the country search to France only. However, when I start typing any French zip code or address, the search bar also displays search results for foreign countries: Okay, understood. We have identified a solution, which will be implemented in a future version of the plugin. So, you’ll need to wait for that update.
2). I would like to change the main color (red) so that the widget matches our visual identity. Our two main colors are #a8ba00 and #276729. Is there any way I could change that? Colors are hard-coded in the “/assets/csl-custom-style.css” file, but you can override them using custom CSS. For example, you can use “body .csl-wrapper #locations-near-you .csl-list-item .marker-link:hover { background-color: #ee5253; }” to change the hover color of list items. This way, it won’t break with future plugin updates, and the CSS will work properly.
3). Among the 243 stores, one (“La Boutique du CC”) is pointed towards Guernsey, although the coordinates in the CSV file indicate otherwise. I’ve made several CSV imports with different coordinates to try to see if I could move this pin to another location, but it seems to be set on Guernsey by default: We are having trouble understanding this point. Could you please provide more details?
4). Lastly, is there any way to translate the placeholder text of the search bar into French? We just tested on our end, and it shows “Code postal” as the placeholder text when we use the French language. Do you use any other multilingual plugin? You can check the .po file for each language in the “\languages” directory, where translation messages are stored.
I hope you got answers to each question. If you like our plugin, you can leave a review.