• My website (www.tabernacleseattle.net) as of today is not displaying the theme/formatting…it was working yesterday. I cannot log in to the admin dashboard as I get a blank white screen displaying “400 Bad Request.” Via FTP I have deleted the wp-login.php file and uploaded a fresh install from WP 4.3.1 (did not help), renamed my plugin folder (did not help), and finally deleted all unused themes (except 2011-2015) including the active theme (purple modena) and uploaded a fresh install of the theme. I still cannot log into the admin site nor is the website displaying correctly. What did I miss?

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  • Hi, mjhenterprises, & welcome to the WordPress support forum. Firstly, I’d really like to thank you for including a link to your site. It helps us determine what’s going on far more quickly. 2nd, I’m a pastor’s wife–so–yeah–we need to get this site up & runnin!

    There appear to be a few things going on here. Firstly, you can access your dashboard by going to:
    so you’re not completely locked out.

    I’m not sure whether you’re hosting on a Windows or Linux server, though if my instincts are at all correct, it’s likely Linux. If that is indeed right, then there should be 2 copies of index.php, 1 in your wordpress folder & 1 in your root folder. The last line of the 1 in your root folder should contain:
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php’ );
    There should also be 2 copies of .htaccess, 1 in your wordpress folder & 1 in your root folder.

    Under ‘Settings > General’ your site url should be set to https://tabernacleseattle.net & your wordpress url to https://tabernacleseattle.net/wordpress

    I’m also wondering if perhaps Openresty might need to be reconfigured to allow the wp-admin to redirect to the login page. This is not software w/which I’m familiar, but I suspect I could likely figure out where the misconfiguration is occurring if I saw the relevant configuration file. Lastly, there are certain security plugins that change the WordPress login url, & clearly I don’t know if you have these in place or not.

    A look at your .htaccess file might also prove helpful, if you’d like to paste it into your next reply.

    Also–I just noticed this–your theme is actually pointing to https://new.tabernacleseattle.net, whereas it looks like it really should be pointing to https://tabernacleseattle.net. I’m not quite sure how that happened, but…

    Please let us know if any of these comments proved helpful, &/or if you have additional questions.

    Thread Starter mjhenterprises


    Thank you for the information, Jackie (my name is Jackie too!). When I log in I still get the “400 Bad Request” error and cannot gain access to the dashboard to change the settings as you suggested. We are hosted on a Linux server and the last line of the index.php file in the root directory is correct. This is the .htaccess file from the root:
    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /wordpress/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /wordpress/index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    And this is the .htaccess file from the wordpress folder:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /wordpress/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /wordpress/index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    The remodeled website was created (June 2015) in the subdomain, new.tabernacleseattle.net, instead of using a plugin like TestDrive. Once the website was complete the subdomain was “pointed” to the main domain. The site was up and running smooth until Thursday (9/17/15).

    Is Openresty on the host end or WP end of our website?

    Jackie, you queried:
    “Is Openresty on the host end or WP end of our website?”
    It’s on the hosting end.

    Jackie, please rename your purple medina theme folder & try to log in. It’ll break the front end of your site, but we need to know if the theme is the cause of the difficulty you’re experiencing.

    Thread Starter mjhenterprises


    I renamed it and now the page is totally blank at tabernacleseattle.net.

    Understood, Jackie, I did warn you that would occur. However, can you log in? That’s the $64,000 question.

    Thread Starter mjhenterprises


    I am still unable to login, Jackie.

    Ok, Jackie–when I go to:
    I get a typical login screen. Could you please confirm or deny this for me?

    Obviously I don’t have any credentials on the site, so I can’t test it further, but doing that appears to be working. Again, please confirm/deny that for me, if you would.

    If it does not work for you, can you try a different browser? Otherwise, there may be an issue w/your computer. Having said that, I still think the theme should be moved under your tabernacleseattle.net instead of new.tabernacleseattle.net I’m also wondering if there are some things in your hosting configuration files that may be problematic. You said the site worked well until 9/17. Did anything occur around that time that you know of such as an update? What sort of hosting do you have–shared? VPS? Dedicated? Also, is this a multisite installation? The .htaccess file doesn’t look like that, but the subdomain just made me wonder.

    I’m sorry I have so many questions. But sometimes the right questions actually elicit the solution. Not being able to see the configuration files & not understanding precisely how the site is set up makes things a bit harder.

    Thread Starter mjhenterprises


    Yes, I get the login page but when I enter my credentials ([removed from public forum]) the “400 Bad Request” screen appears. I’ve tried logging in on IE and Firefox with the same results.

    Nothing occurred on 9/17 that I know of. The theme has not been updated since June 2015 by the author and the updated to WP 4.3.2 occurred a couple of weeks ago. This is not a multisite installation and I assume we have dedicated hosting with Register.com.

    O, gosh, Jackie, you just posted your credentials to a public forum. I’ve asked a moderator to redact, but you’ll need to change these. At any rate, it’s a *very serious* security risk to have a username of admin. If this site hasn’t been compromised before now, it’s surely in danger at this juncture. I feel sick.

    Can you please try moving your theme to tabernacleseattle.net/wordpress/wp-content/themes using FTP?

    The bad request error message is being generated via openresty/

    Thread Starter mjhenterprises


    I’ve moved the theme folder and I still can’t log in…bad request error message.

    This is likely to be risky, as I have not yet had my coffee. Aarrgg!!!!

    Jackie, please:
    * Upload a fresh copy of the wp-admin folder, including all subfolders, to the site. Wouldn’t hurt to do that w/wp-includes as well.
    * Next, you should have an index.php file in your root folder. Please paste its contents in your next reply.

    Lastly, it would not hurt to contact register.com, explain your problem, & ask them if they’ve made any changes on or around 9/17.

    Thanks. & thanks to the moderator who redacted that post. You’re awesome, whoever you are. Here’s a big virtual high-5 & hug from me. You folks do great work! & you definitively don’t hear “thank you” nearly enough. I so very much appreciate your prompt attention.

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