Hi Thomas,
it seems to me that this is an Excel related topic, but anyhow i will try to explain.
The question is how to handle Excel results where you do not exactly know the row in which your field will be. I will explain it using my Excel sample “gift-certificate.xlsx” file coming with the plugin. When i submit my sample form i will receive an Excel file where the second tab “WP40-GF2Excel” which contains the form inputs looks like:
. Column A Column B Column C
Line 1 – 19 …
Line 20 Email Address [email protected] 5
Line 21 Gift Description A piece of software 2
Line 22 Recipient Name A WordPress User 3
Line 23 Sender Name winball.de 4
In the first tab “Gift Certificate” the field C7 contains the formula:
to get the form input which should describe the gift (Gift Description). If the line 21 does not contain this info our form will show wrong data.
To be independent from the line number but still get the right data we can use the Excel function VLOOKUP. So i replace the formula in field C7 (in tab “Gift Certificate”) with:
=VLOOKUP("Gift Description"; A1:B23; 2)
In my example i get “A piece of software” again as the result, but now i am independent from the row number.
I hope you can handle your data now.
Best wishes