• Hi there. I had a blog running for a year or so with no problems, using the Bueno theme from Woothemes.
    Unfortunately I allowed someone else to have an admin account in order for him to edit the posts. He edited one post and all the pages are now blank in the blog. I asked him what he did prior to this happening and he said he was just adding a new category whern things suddenly went wrong.
    The blog is at https://www.wildcat-arts-collective.org.uk/
    I’m running version 3.2.1 of WordPress.
    I’ve tried various suggestions from the forums (like deactivating plugins, etc) but nothing seems to fix it. I even reinstalled WordPress, but no luck.
    The blog works fine with other themes, although interestingly enough I get blank pages with the Aparatus theme too, but I’d really like to keep the Bueno theme.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

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