B?ad serwera
zainstalowa?em wtyczk? na prawie 950 moich serwisach niestety wtyczka okaza?a si? bublem i wywo?uje na podstronach b??d serwera i niw wy?wietla si? wpis ani ?adna pod strona. Wy??czenie i w??czenie pomaga i b?ad znika, ale po czasie znowu si? pojawia ( co mnie bardzo zirytowa?o ?e to samo musze na stronach zrobi? i wy??czy? to badziewie!) . Masakra co wy zrobili?cie z ta wtyczka. Na ca?y miesi?c mi prace zrobili?cie bo musze usun?? na wszystkich serwisach ta wasza psuta wtyczka nie polecam tego badziewia nikomu. I niech twórcy wezm? si? za poprawki a nie w nosie d?ubi?. Badziew i tyle
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.angielski
I installed the plugin on almost 950 of my websites, unfortunately the plug turned out to be a hit and causes a server error on subpages and no entry or any sub-page is displayed. Turning off and on helps and the error disappears, but after a while it reappears (which irritated me a lot that I have to do the same on the pages and turn it off!). Massacre what have you done with this plug. You've done my work for the whole month because I have to remove your broken plug on all websites, I do not recommend this crap to anyone. And let the creators start making corrections and not picking their noses. Badziew and that's it
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