• AfriGadget.com has been blacklisted by Google and StopBadware.org. We believe this happened after the FTP hack of DreamHost last summer. Anyway, I thought I had fixed everything and submitted for re-evaluation but was told the following in an email from StopBadware:

    According to our review of your website, your site contains a potentially damaging exploit. For example, the source code for https://www.afrigadget.com
    contains the following suspicious code:

    <!-- Traffic Statistics -->
    wp-stats.php width=1 height=1
    frameborder=0></iframe> <!--
    End Traffic Statistics -->

    Can someone tell me how/where I can find this code on my site? Is there a tool that I can use to scan my site for any malicious code?

    Basically, I’m not sure how to cleanse my site in order to get back in the good graces of our Google godfather… Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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  • I had this same exact code inserted into my wordpress site, https://www.themotorlesscity.com, as well. I found it in a posting near the bottom of my front page, by viewing the source and searching for “statistics.” Good luck. I’m not sure how my site was hacked but it sucks.

    This is an exploit that has been sweeping through unsecured WordPress sites, particularly those using WP 2.3.3.

    I added some tags to this thread (see bottom of column to the right). Click on some of those to pull up related threads, and you will see other threads that deal with this issue in more detail.

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