• I have been spared the spammers party-fun until yesterday…
    i manually deleted all the comments (wow, hundreds of them between three installs) and then installed the blacklist plug.
    it did not, at first, correct the matter.
    but then i found how you can add URL and other information to the blacklist.
    So i promply added the URL’s and Email into my list, and bizang! they’re gone.
    thank you.

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  • Sorry, where IS this blacklist plugin? I can’t find it anywhere…

    Listed here, with others:

    well I installed someting- EVERYTHING was going to the FBI site, so I deactivated it.
    Now EVERYTHING is asking for my approval, no matter what. Comments won’t just post.
    This is the worst problems I have EVER had.
    I am sorta missing my MT days at the moment. =(

    Moderation IS off.
    None now. Nothing works so I turned them all off.

    Have you installed Kitten’s Spaminator and Spam Words ?

    I installed Kitten’s Spam Words. My blog was still working but then the plug in didn’t seem to work really for me.
    Then I installed three strikes. Then EVERYTHING went to the FBI.
    Then I deactivated 3 strikes- then EVERYTHING went to the moderation cue.
    Then I checked to see if I had moderation on.
    So then I installed Spaminator. PHP errors when one posted a comment. AND it still went to be moderated. Deactivated that. Tried the fix on laughing lizard for the three strikes. No go.
    EVERY SINGLE COMMENT is going into the moderation que. On top of it, I am getting spammed to helll (even though I am getting legitmate comments too.)
    This really, really sucks as that I can’t really go into my website at work and approve comments.

    Okay. I don’t like going into the database. More details what I need to there? (I am no sql guru… just a network administrator me…) I can go and do that but more details please. This is really driving myself and my readers nuts.

    I have no “comment_moderation” in my database.

    1. check there are no blank lines in your list of spam words. this will trigger moderation for every comment regardless of your other settings.
    2. install Farook’s blacklist, it works much better than three strikes and can automatically delete the spam for you. Using this in combination with WP’s built-in spam prevention features I have no need for any other plugins.

    @anon – “much better” is a subjective opinion.
    There are several solutions available.

    OK it may be subjective, but I am speaking from my own experience here. I didn’t mean to offend the three strikes guy, I guess his plugin is fine if you only have a couple of spams to deal with, but it didn’t have the power I needed.

    I use solutions other than Blacklist – all available on the tamba2 link above – and each morning when I see posts here, I say “Spam, what spam ?”.
    I see none on my site, none at all.

    Right now I would just be happy if I didn’t have to moderate my comments anymore.
    I think that the spam thing on top of not being able to do a text dwld of my site are the two things that annoy me the most about WP. =(
    But now, I think I am going to have to do a total install from scratch because I can’t get my comments to act correctly again AND I may loose almost 3 years of entries because I cannot do a text export. =(

    Database backup ?
    Do you have phpmyadmin ?
    Don’t go deleting anything until you are absolutely sure.

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