• Hi there!

    Is there a way for me to remove the black transparent caption box over the front slider images completely? When I delete all text, i still have a little sliver showing.


    Kimberly Nichols

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  • Did you ever figure this out?

    Also, I can’t even figure out how to get rid of the text! I’m feeling rather silly right about now!

    I am in the same boat. I don’t want the date showing up but if I mess with the code it just changes the look but doesn’t get rid of it….

    @nicholslauren and @mariannegardner I did figure it out for the date, so I assume it is similar for the title text as well and possibly for the transparent box altogether.

    In style.css I deleted this:

    #post-loop .post-content:hover .date,
    #post-loop .post-content:hover .comments {
    display: block;

    I would copy any code you are about to delete before you do it just in case you check it after and it doesn’t work…. that’s what I did to finally figure it out.

    In style.css I deleted this:

    Do NOT modify theme files, including deleting CSS code – any changes should be made only in a child theme or using Custom CSS.

    Anyone who still has a question about this, please start a NEW thread of your own and post a link to your site for help with any CSS questions.

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