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  • Thanx a lot for this plugins and for your efforts ! Really helpfull.
    But same probleme here, website and birthdate don’t work BP 1.7.1 wp 3.5.1
    (frisco theme)

    Plugin Author donmik


    Well, I’m sorry in your case too. I downloaded frisco theme and all works as expected. If you have the hook in edit.php, you can try to deactivate other plugins to see if they’re causing this error.

    Thank you very much atallos for your quick response.
    In fact I have not changed the file edit.php. It seems that I had no problem because some users on the fields filled in correctly and I did not care for was that. I think it must come from an update (I do not know which update it is exactly)
    I put an old Xprofifle cft (1.5.1) and no worries (although I no longer have birthdate field)



    Same issue here (for the birthdate; email etc. are OK), using Pagelines (framework : 2.4.3) + BuddyPress Template Pack + child theme (like another user in a related topic in this plugin support forum.

    In my child theme members \ single \ profile \ edit.php, I already do have the hook <?php do_action( 'bp_custom_profile_edit_fields_pre_visibility' ); ?>, changed his location following @sundowner667 indications (i.e. line right after <?php while ( bp_profile_fields() ) : bp_the_profile_field(); ?>): no effect.

    Where exactly must the hook be placed in the file, if it’s really the problem? Could someone maybe post the whole correct code?

    Plugin Author donmik


    @siewolf: If you are using my plugin with a version before 1.5.5, I was using an old hook of buddypress “bp_custom_profile_edit_fields”.

    Since buddypress 1.7, there is a new hook introduced by buddypress called “bp_custom_profile_edit_fields_pre_visibility”. When you use a custom theme, and you update buddypress to 1.7, there is a chance your theme is not updated with the new hook, so the fields of my plugin cannot appear.

    I can’t imagine another reason for this error.

    Plugin Author donmik



    Can you try to use the buddypress default theme and see if it works? If you look at the edit.php of buddypress default theme you can see where the hook needs to be.

    @atallos thanx for your reply.
    I think you’re right. Frisco is designed for bp 1.5

    That make sens.




    Actually, I ran again from scratch the BP Template Pack process with my Pagelines theme, and the birthday field shows all right now: no real idea why though ?? ! Unfortunately, the date picker appears as a plain text field.

    Plugin Author donmik


    Datepicker field is an html5 field, maybe you are using a browser that don’t support html5 fields.




    Apparently another Firefox (21.0 / Windows 8) bug… : works on Chrome!

    Thanks for your responsiveness !

    Plugin Author donmik


    Great! So I think I can mark this topic as solved finally! xD

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