I have the exact same problem except multiple fields are affected in both shipping and billing.
More details on my issue which may be related to the OP’s problem:
Many of my required fields are now showing as optional to the end user (eg: city/town) and have the word (optional) after their name. Additionally, some other fields that should be optional (eg: company name) are now showing as required (*). However not all fields are “reversed”. Some fields have the same behaviour as always (eg: The first name, last name and email address fields are correctly set to required *).
This behaviour occurs on both shipping and billing despite the screens displaying the checkboxes as expected. (eg: the company field is shown as optional and the town/city field is shown as required inside the plugin UI).
Note that this happened to my website after I made the following changes:
1. I updated to v4.2.5 from v4.2.3;
2. I removed my one additional field from the “additional fields” screen.
3. I added one additional field in the “billing” screen.
Further investigations:
I uninstalled and re-installed the plugin. When the plugin was uninstalled, all the correct settings for the fields (optional vs required) were correct, then after the re-installation, the bad settings came back. I deleted the files off my server from the plugin folder, and then I download the new v4.2.5 zip file, extracted it and FTP’d it to the server but somehow my old config was still there. (eg: I actually renamed the city/town field to “suburb” and it said suburb. How can it do that when I completely deleted the plugin? It didn’t wipe my “user data” when I uninstalled the plugin – so where is that user data stored? I need to clear that too.
Thanks in advance