Thank you for the screen shots. It looks like some database tables have duplicate records in your installation. Vik Booking only executes the installation queries once, but in some cases, because of connection delays or multiple activation requests of the plugin, it may be possible to see some duplicate values of the default contents, like the Custom Fields of your screen shot.
The manual solution is to remove those duplicated fields one by one from the apposite page Custom Fields, otherwise you can opt for the fast solution, which consists on visiting a hidden URL of Vik Booking of the wp-admin section of your site.
When you open the page Dashboard of Vik Booking from the left menu of WordPress, your browser should be on the following (relative) URL of your site:
By adding a value to the query string, you can obtain the “hidden” URL to visit:
That means that you should add just &task=clean_duplicate_records to the current URL. Launch that page with your browser and Vik Booking will take care of removing duplicate values from the database tables that install default values during the first activation.
We hope this helps!
The VikWP Team