• Resolved ant0nell0


    Dear all, within my checkout page, I can see the field “billing state” and the dropdown works correctly. The selection, made by the dropdown menu, is saved within the logged user profile. Despite that, if a logged-in user go again to checkout page, the billing state will not be retrieved from the user account (the dropdown show “select an option”). I’ve to highlight that the billing state is correctly saved within the user account. From the other hand, if I disable WooCommerce Checkout Manager, the state field is correctly retrieved from user profile. Can you help me to solve the issue? This bad behaviour, make our clients to click “complete order” two times because the see that billing and shipping address are loaded from profile but they do not notiche that the billing state (a mandatory field) is not retrived.

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  • Thread Starter ant0nell0


    I’ve an update! The billing state dropdown retrieves the state, from the user profile, if I disable the filter “default_checkout_billing_state” within Woocommerce-checkout-manager.php. To avoid modification to the source code (overwritten on next update) I’ve disable the filter from the function.php, of my child theme, adding the following code:

     add_action( 'init', 'remove_wooCheckout_filters' );
     function remove_wooCheckout_filters(){ //Have to do it after theme setup, because child theme functions are loaded first
    	remove_filter('default_checkout_billing_state', 'wooccm_state_default_switch');

    I hope the developer will help me to debug or find a more elegant solution. Have a good day.

    Plugin Author quadlayers


    hello mate
    can you please test update 4.5.3?

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