• I think WordPress’s biggest problem is how slow it is. Don’t get me wrong by telling me some cache plugins or don`t give me ideas like use minify. It is still slow still slow. When I code php website formyself it is 10 times faster than my wordpress blog. once I get more posts in my websites it becomes even slower. I think wordpress with version 4 has to make BIG change and make wordpress very fast cms.

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  • Maybe the php statements and the SQL queries are 10+ times more than when you code yourself. ??

    Personally, I’ve never noticed any major speed issues with WordPress. It’s actually one of the faster CMS’s I’ve used over the years. If you honestly think WordPress is slow, try using Drupal for awhile. Even a heavily customized WordPress install flies in comparison to that nightmare.

    Realistically, though, a CMS is almost always going to be slower than something you code and optimize yourself. Your own code runs only the queries YOU need for a particular. A CMS, by necessity, runs a lot more on any given pageload (all the hooks, actions, and what have you). Though into the mix any plugins you have installed which may or may not be efficiently coded, and any extra database requests made within your theme, and yeah… it’s going to slow down.

    Extelliqent – adding posts slows down your page load time? Sounds like you may have a Config issue.

    We have 5000 posts (just crossed the threshold tonight) and have no noticeable slowdowns.

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