• I am trying to do that restrictions to my web site but i am very so sad that i can’t to do.
    i would like for all new users, except me (As administrator) to can post anything they want (video,images,sound) but i don’t want the new users to edit or delete other users post only can edit – delete their posts for each user!!!!
    Please help me!!!!


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  • I need this same functionality. To allow users to post and create new pages, but not to be able to modify pages other users created. Will this plugin work for this?



    have moved on to another solution…

    Hi guys,
    You have to be familiar with capabilities. There are quite few that grant power for user to edit, publish, trash others users posts and pages.


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  • The topic ‘Big Problem users can post but can edit and delete others users post please help’ is closed to new replies.