• So I am using Modularity Lite and I never made a child theme and made a lot of changes. I am learning as I go and I wish I’d have caught this sooner. I know now that I need to do this, but how do I do it and keep the changes Ive made.

    Is there a way to download the original theme, make it the parent and move what I have in as the child?

    I am a novice so please speak to me as you would a first grader;-)



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  • Always possible, likely tedious. I’ve done child themes for modularity (or similar GP theme) https://midea.nmc.org/

    What I would do is

    • Rename your modified theme so you do not lose any thing
    • download / install fresh copy of modularity lite
    • Create tour new child them, meaning a new theme folder, a style.css that includes the parent one- if you need help here, the WP codex docs explain it well).
    • I would work through the directories of your modified one, and change the file listing to show which files have been modified since the core ones (it may take some comparison), these are ones that you would copy to the new child theme folder).
    • The trickiest one is going to be finding your modifications to style.css – you might need a tool that can do a diff operation to identify changes. For most template files, the stuff in the child theme folder *replaces* the core file, but style.css is additive, so you only need to include bits you added to the core file
    • I recall (the site I listed above was done more than 2 years ago) that because of the way the themes were set up that I had trouble referencing the includes the way the theme was written, it kept wanting to look in the parent theme folder.

    It certainly can be done; I’ve really had little problem with running themes that have not been updated, my main blog theme must be 4 or 5 years old, they usually hold up well.

    Good luck. Always keep local backups!

    Hey Eric! lol

    Thanks for the brilliant advice you gave him, cogdog! Very detailed ??

    Also I checked out the site you linked and noticed an alignment issue when using chrome. Near the bottom of the page is a slider (EXPLORE A FEW MIDEA MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS… section). It’s inside a container class of .app but it’s misaligned – no padding to the left side – however other containers use that class so I added a 2nd class to the div and styled it with padding-left:20px and that sorts it out. I know it’s a 2 year old site you might not really use anymore but it’s such an easy fix and I know it would bug me if it were my site lol

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