• Plugin Contributor jdailey


    Hello everyone! Big File Uploads is now being supported and developed by our team at Infinite Uploads. We are committed to bringing excellent support and keeping this incredible tool free.

    @uglyrobot and I are responsible for building, maintaining, and sharing plugins, image optimization, and cloud tools trusted to serve billions of images.

    If you run into any issues upgrading or have any features you would like to see added we would love to hear your ideas.

    Read the entire release post here: https://infiniteuploads.com/blog/big-file-uploads-update/

    A big thank you to @andtrev for his time developing and supporting Big File Uploads.


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  • Hello,
    Great job!
    Just one thing about new version :
    I can’t set the chunks size so the upload takes veeeery long time. Is there any hook to set the chunks to a bigger size?

    Plugin Contributor jdailey


    Hello @nfoenki!

    Thank you for the kind reply. I am so glad you are enjoying v.2 of Big File Uploads

    Chunking can still be defined in the tuxedo_big_file_uploads.php file on line 169.

    public function filter_plupload_settings( $plupload_settings ) {
    		if ( ! defined( 'BIG_FILE_UPLOADS_CHUNK_SIZE_KB' ) ) {
    			define( 'BIG_FILE_UPLOADS_CHUNK_SIZE_KB', 2048 );

    If you were updating from version 1.2, your custom settings should have carried over. Please let us know if that is not the case.

    Thank you for sharing your feedback. This gives us a better idea of how we can add value in future upgrades.


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