• Hi, I also need some help with this theme. I am very new to WordPress and Woocommerce. I did some research and found ShopIsle to my liking. I have a problem though …. I cannot seem to change the settings of the big front page banner, on the top of the page. I watched some video tutorials and also downloaded the Orbitfox companion. I have watched ThemeIsle tutorials, but don’t seem to have the function or ability to change/remove the top slider, big banner. It is just a little bit too big to my liking. Preferably I would just like to resize it, but will remove it, if I have to, if it is not possible to resize. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    PS: I do not get the option to uncheck the “Big Title Section” as seen at https://docs.themeisle.com/article/421-shop-isle-documentation-wordpress-org#s4

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by nev120.
  • The topic ‘Big banner at top of Page / Slider’ is closed to new replies.