• I honestly have no idea what to do- I cannot access my site at all. Everything seemed to be fine- until earlier my computer shut down on me- and since then I haven’t been able to log in at all. My site was hacked two times in the past which is why I wanted to get more security on it- but now I can’t really do anything seeing I cannot access it.

    I continue getting not_found, php?gldkvd2nx0mp0fjwfr4y3, and even a distorted URL (it repeats my URL and cuts half of it off) when I try to go to my log-in panel. I used to have 4-5 different ways to log in- NONE of them work ( I really only used one). I get weird URLS each and every time I try to do this, and I have no idea why.

    I removed the plug in and did the data base edits- nothing. My hosting back up failed and good thing I have a few on file; but I honestly am not sure how I can do that- when I cannot access my site. I even tried the back up through PHP my admin and it just brings me back to where the issue started- no success. All three back ups- not one seems to fix it.

    Any help would be great. I contacted my host to see if there is anything that can be done- otherwise I am going to have to start my site all over seeing it is my art site- and would basically be useless if I could not post to it. Not looking forward to that.

    Thank you if anybody can help. It would be greatly appreciated.



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  • Try removing everything in the “Better WP Security” section from .htaccess and see if you can then get into your site.

    Jessica J.


    If you have access to FTP, you can rename the plugin- that just worked for me. I just added a “2” at the end of the plugin folder name, so I can change back later.

    That’s really not the best way to go about it, but it is a quick fix. This Site has some better recommendations, but it’s for users a bit more experienced I would say.

    Yap. One thing after another with this plugin.

    I had a similar problem because of too many 404 errors being hit in the “intrusion detection” part of the plugin.

    After researching and going through may site helps like

    and then I played with the .htaccess file a bit and deleted a line and lo behold the site suddenly started working. Now I have to re install the Better WP Security and see will it block me out again and if so what I can change in the program to safe guard Admin user from logging out. If I can add some lines and see it changes the Admin status to be never blocked; then I’ll put the program lines out here for review and work it out by you all my anonymous friends ??

    RewriteRule ****whatever is written*** /wp-login.php/not_found****[R,L] delete this line which comes around at the line 215—220 just 2 lines above the
    # END Better WP Security
    # BEGIN WordPress
    That is if you have installed Better WP Security. After Deleting that line I was able to log in,
    you may be able to login at https://www.(mysite)/yoursite.com/wp-admin/
    There was too many 404 login error at my ID that is why I got blocked and whenever I tried to login it showed mysite.com/not_found at the search options & showed me the hello world web page with my site name on it.

    This is the missing part of the first post.

    After researching and going through may site helps like https://managewp.com/change-your-wordpress-login-url



    I would like to add for the 1st post of mine here is that the file is this
    RewriteRule ^.*wp-admin/?|^.*wp-login\.php /not_found [R,L]
    @ Line 223 —- delete this line which comes
    just 2 lines above the
    # END Better WP Security
    # BEGIN WordPress

    This is in .htaccess file in the public html folder you have to edit by being in your Control panel. This will solve all the Admin Lock out issues regarding Better WP Security. I hope it helps you all ??

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