Hi mattkeys, I’ve got a similar problem on our server but not on my local xampp install.
Using WordPress 4.5.3
ACF PRO 5.4.0
Advanced Custom Fields: Font Awesome 1.7.2
I think it has to do with the server blocking the API and CDN URLs.
Is it possible to just use the fallback font-awesome without trying to connect to those URLs and get the latest font-awesome library?
Having this plugin active with this error slows down the admin pages to 30sec – 1 minute per page load.
I have tried the following filer add_filter( 'bfa_force_fallback', '__return_true' );
but it only removes the Remote CSS Error, not the API Error
Please see complete Error:
Better Font Awesome
API Error
The attempt to reach the jsDelivr API server failed with the following error: http_request_failed: Connection timed out after 10161 milliseconds (URL: https://api.jsdelivr.com/v1/jsdelivr/libraries/fontawesome/?fields=versions,lastversion)
Remote CSS Error
The attempt to fetch the remote Font Awesome stylesheet failed with the following error: http_request_failed: Connection timed out after 10161 milliseconds (URL: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/fontawesome/4.3.0/css/font-awesome.min.css)
The embedded fallback Font Awesome will be used instead (version: 4.3.0).
Don’t worry! Better Font Awesome will still render using the included fallback version: 4.3.0
This may be the result of a temporary server or connectivity issue which will resolve shortly. However if the problem persists please file a support ticket on the plugin forum, citing the errors listed above.