• I wanted to get the word out to my more avid testers and other interest parties. Rather than generate a ton of individual archives, for the initial testing of my new CG stuff, I’m packing up ALL of my ‘libraries’, plus enabler ‘plugin stubs’ for WP1.2+, in one archive.
    This includes my existing libraries:
    1. CG-Amazon (amazon data feeds)
    – added keyword searches, new Find feature to add to db, default to external links (and not internal to cgaindex), fixed cgaindex ‘bot thrashing’, and created CG-Inline for inlining Amazon products in articles. New XMLParser from Feedread.
    2. CG-Feedread (RSS/Atom aggregation)
    – New XMLParser, uses custom HTTP connection code to reduce ‘lockups’ due to bad/unavailable XML services. Fixed some encapsulation and output cases.
    3. CG-Referer (referral, bot, and query/search tracking)
    – Updated blacklists. Overhauled bot code. New bot and query detection.
    4. CG-Samecat (listing posts within a category)
    – No major changes.
    … plus my new additions:
    5. CG-Inline (embedded macros within posts for images, amazon items, and post links)
    6. CG-Related (assisted process for building table of related posts and listing them)
    7. CG-WhatTunes (tying music player/watcher http POST updates to CG-Amazon, to show the current music you are listening to)
    … and associated helper files and functions.
    Many of the above are completely missing documentation at the moment — but I wanted to get the new Amazon and Feedread stuff out, and had people interested in WhatTunes and Related, and didn’t make sense to go pulling them into seven different packages at the moment. ??
    Anyway… for those brave souls, go grab the CG-PowerPack, and let me know as you have issues. Feel free to start new Topics here for different plugins, so that they don’t all get junked in one post. ?? For general issues or Qs, feel free to respond to this post of course!
    – All CG-Amazon users really should update, and CLEAR their cache_amazon folder, as bots may have flooded it with junk.
    – Feedread users, note that the cache folder name has been changed from cache_rssfeeds to cache_feedread to note ‘who owns it’. ??

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  • Thread Starter davidchait


    Haven’t found much else. Saw a reference to IPv6 being enabled causing some issues. Also saw some errors referencing error 11s on unix/linux that had to do with being unable to fork a new process or something.
    I assume you haven’t tried Feedread (or Magpie or other RSS system), as they should be showing the same problems… In fact, I just tried. It fails. In fact, it fails to open the wp-rss2.php feed for ITSELF. That’s definitely some weird configuration problem with your box (well, or php on your box) that fsockopen can’t open a normal port 80 connection even to what is (effectively) localhost. I don’t know if localhost directly would work, where the domain doesn’t — sounds like something related to opening sockets/ports on the box is failing.
    Anything useful in logs?

    Thread Starter davidchait


    There is a WMP plugin, Songwriter @ https://www.shurosoft.com/
    You’d want to use the HTTP Post option… I’d have to figure out how to get it output in matching format (or relatively close format) to my post script… haven’t seen details yet.

    dmonty: Tried your wishlist id – no go. Maybe you should check if it is correct?
    David: I think my php is .6 so that should not be an issue.

    David: I downloaded Songwriter and installed it. Take a look there first, please, as the funpack only works in XP and this one also works with w2k. In the meantime I can get this to work easy enough separately from the plugin.

    Pretty sure that’s the correct ID. I remember somewhere (maybe back when I was running MTAmazon before upgrading to WP. ?? ) to do a search by e-mail address (mine is dmonty at bellsouth dot net – if you want to help me verify I’m using the correct id). That’s how I obtained it.
    If it’s something else, please let me know! ??

    Well, you are right. That is quite the conundrum. Plug in your ID, no wishlist – plug in mine, works fine.

    Quick wish list update.
    I try using some other people’s wish list id’s and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Not sure what the difference is from one person’s id to the next is though… If only there were a way to change my id. ??
    Will keep trying different things though.

    Another quick update…
    I checked in the amazon-cache and found several files called Wishlist<id number>.bin
    For giggles, I renamed this to my id. It worked!
    kind of…
    It now shows items, but not my items.. It uses the items from the previous id that shows up. Does this update at any point? I can leave it to see if it pulls my items now that there’s a file with my id there.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Dave – Just tried yours a bunch of times, no luck. Went and looked you up online, copied and pasted the ID from there, just worked. Looked at what you pasted above, looks the same…
    Go Figger. May be the Amazon programming interface doesn’t set up a wishlist for programmatical access until some number of requests or something… might get queued up. Who knows.
    I’m seeing some weird results though — was fine, now just seeing first entry. THAT could be a new bug. Will look into it.

    Weird. I deleted the wishlist from my cache (the one I renamed with my id) and refreshed and it now shows up.
    Very weird.
    Brings up a question though – if we add / remove things from our Amazon wish list – how often does the plug-in check to see such changes? I’m guessing that it might be a good idea to clear out the cache once in a while? Not sure exactly what goes on behind the scenes, but if a query is done and the file’s not there – then does the plug-in go to Amazon for it? Then it caches it so it won’t need to hit amazon every time a person visits your page? So to refresh items would require removing the file from cache?
    Just a hunch. ??
    I’m happy now. I even installed ITunes and the Itunes blogger, though it acts a little quirky and seems like the itunes blogger doesn’t always work. (Nothing you can do about that as far as I know. :)) I spent a bit today trying out wmp plug-ins but haven’t had luck yet. Hope your tests go better.

    I promise I’m not trying to steal this thread… Just a quick question.
    Now that the wishlist items are working (knocking on wood) I was wondering if the link for the items takes a person to my actual wishlist? Or does it merely link to the Amazon item about the item in my wish list. Does that make sense?
    It appears that it only links to the item – but if the person wanted to purchase something from my wishlist for me, they would then need to look me up and do so, instead of already being at the page that does that.
    At least from my testing it does.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    Glad it is working.
    Wishlists, like everything else in CG-Amazon, gets refreshed approx every 24h from initial creation/grab — unless specifically told otherwise by changing the update rate. This is to try to follow Amazon’s rules about not caching data more than 24h if it contains any sort of ranking/pricing info. In theory, you can cache a week (or a month or something) if just keeping some basic fields like product name, asin, etc.
    So, your wishlist will update approx once per day… if that wasn’t clear. ??
    No, at the moment, the wishlist links just jumps to the products on your list — Amazon doesn’t give full-fledged access to wishlist ‘meta data’, so I just get normal product links. It would be nice if they gave ‘needed count’, ‘priority’, etc., as well as direct links into your wishlist. And while I might be able to decode how to build a proper URL… well, that’ll get messy.
    iTunes blogger worked perfectly for me during testing, though I haven’t played with it that much. Also had no problems with iTunes, aside from visualizations not updating on idle events for smooth/fast updates.

    David, I have been playing around with Songwriter – need to figure out how to grab the CD image, but it is up alongside (above) cg-whattunes if you want to take a look.

    Thread Starter davidchait


    SongWriter is supposed to be able to do an HTTP Post with the data, rather than FTPing up an XML file of stuff. If the HTTP Post is configurable (which I thought it was), you can make it work directly with the CG-WhatTunes ‘receiver’ file, tracktunes.php. I’ve modified tracktunes from a sample the iTunes Blogger folks provided, making it more secure and featureful, but it should accept input from WinAmp or other music-data-blogger applets that can do a customizable HTTP-Post method.
    I may just write a mini applet to grab the WMP9 data and post it. Or I might talk to the iTunes Blogger guys and try to do a custom version of that, since they have all the pieces working aside from grabbing data from WMP instead of iTunes…

    Yes, Songwriter doesn’t need ftp (thank goodness ‘cuz I don’t have it on my computer) but uploads a text file of the current song/artist/album/etc but also now has an xml file with the last 10 songs so I am using both. I’ll have to look at tracktunes.php

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