• Plugin Author AntoineH



    I am working on a new release for the plugin (v2.3.0) and want to ask if there are users out there who would want to test the beta of this version. If so, you can download the development version here.

    Please test the development version on a separate install. Use of a development version on a live site is not recommended and at your own risk.

    Bugs can be posted in this thread and/or mailed to wordpressfootballpool [at] gmail [dot] com. When possible please mail the relevant error message(s) from the apache error log.

    Thanks for the help.


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  • Hi Antoine, just found your plugin last week and i love it. I’m very interested in this new version. Is there an overwiew of the new features?

    Cheers, Jack

    ps: are you Dutch?

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    The list of changes is rather long, but here it goes:

    • Updated score calculation: better support for a large user base and moved the calculation to a modal pop-up with AJAX handling (with fallback to ‘normal’ calculation).
    • Added pagination to the user admin page (default is 20 per page; because of a bug in WP 3.6 and below it is not possible to change it in the screen options tab, so change it in the define.php file).
    • Added pagination to the matches admin page (default is 50 per page; because of a bug in WP 3.6 and below it is not possible to change it in the screen options tab, so change it in the define.php file).
    • New feature: link a question to a match. Linked questions are displayed beneath the match on the prediction form.
    • New scoring option: goal difference bonus.
    • New shortcode: display the score of a single user with [fp-user-score].
    • New shortcode: display the predictions for a match or question with [fp-predictions].
    • New shortcode: display a table of matches with [fp-matches].
    • Some additions to the custom rankings admin screen.
    • New option: disable jokers.
    • New options for points a team gets for a win or draw (for the Groups page). This makes the plugin more suitable for sports that don’t use the 3-point rule for wins.
    • New option: show team photos on team listing page.
    • New option: show venue photos on venue listing page.
    • New option: choose if plugin must keep all data on uninstall.
    • New option: show number of predictions per user in the ranking (match predictions and bonus question anwers are counted); this can be set for the ranking page and for the ranking widget and shortcode.
    • New sorting option for matches to be able to include match types in the sorting.
    • Widget “Next prediction countdown” has a new option to countdown to the next match of a particular team.
    • Changed image selection to WordPress 3.5 Media Uploader for WordPress version 3.5+.
    • Added contextual help to admin screens. Moved informative text on admin pages to these help tabs (needs WordPress 3.3 or higher).
    • Added image for wrong answers to prediction table for questions.
    • Changed database table structure so naming convention is the same for all tables.
    • Minified the javascript files.
    • Bug fix: old values were shown after a save of a match or a question in the admin (cache is now flushed after a save).
    • Bug fix: the ‘dynamic stop time’ check did not work as it should, causing a prediction for a match not being saved to the database even though the match was still editable in the prediction form (thanks full1restart719 and BruceFeuillette for reporting the bug helping me with fixing the bug).
    • Bug fix: prediction form shortcode did not update values when used in a post (thanks BruceFeuillette for reporting the bug).
    • Bug fix: user selector widget did not work in WordPress installs with default permalink setting (thanks Tomas Jonsson to for reporting this).
    • Bug fix: ranking selector did not work in WordPress installs with default permalink setting (related to bug in user selector widget).
    • Bug fix: pie charts where not updated correctly for user defined rankings once such a ranking was selected on the charts page.
    • Bug fix: custom date field in the shortcode tinymce popup was behaving strange.
    • Bug fix: not all labels in group widget and group standing page were translated.
    • New translation: Albanian (sq) by Migen Nepravishta.
    • New translation: Danish (da_DK) by Morten Bilberg Rasmussen.
    • New translation: German (de_DE) by Frank Winter.

    And yes, I’m Dutch.

    Wow! That’s quite a lot!

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