Currently you can edit any of the css elements inline, or you can add class names to each of those style settings. example: class=”button”
But that might be tedious, I admit. You can also copy styles from one form to another and you can back up your forms on the Tools tab
I do get a few requests like yours, so let me explain what I might do.
Have you ever used my SI CAPTCHA Anti Spam plugin?
It has a setting:
“Select the method of delivering the style:”
your choices are:
– Internal Style Sheet CSS(edit inline settings)
– External Style Sheet CSS (use in your own style.css)
If you click ‘help’ next to the setting, instructions and a sample style is shown for you to copy/paste.
Here are the instructions that go with it:
By default, the form styles are editable below when using “Internal Style Sheet CSS”. The CSS will automatically be included in the page <head> section. Premium themes may have already added support for SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam style in the theme’s style.css. If that is the case, then select “External Style Sheet CSS” if instructed by the theme’s installation instructions. The CSS will NOT be included in the page <head> section, and it must be included in the style.css of the theme. Be sure to remember this if you switch your theme later on.
Try it if you like to get an idea of what I am talking about.
Is that what you want?
I would have to do some more programming to add this feature, and it won’t happen for a week as I am on vacation.
I have to maintain backwards compatibility, so the way is now will remain default.