• betwixt


    Hi there,

    So, as asked many times by many people, how do I get a full, feature rich WYSIWYG editor? Perhaps a full featured TinyMCE editor? Most editors I tried have many errors, or just don’t work at all. Dean’s FCKeditor doesn’t work, Xinha4WP works with errors…

    Anyone any advice?

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  • luminousnerd


    Is there anything that allows you to wrap text around images without code?




    Now THAT would be great!



    WebDressing – I didn’t see anything there in the way of a plugin for a blog?

    Or are they all plugins for WP blogs and I missed that?



    They are alternates for those who wish to use something else other than TinyMCE…

    Regarding this plugin, we installed it and activated it but nothing worked. Zip. Nadda. Nothing. Using 2.1.2.



    Your plugin seems to be “dreams come true”.
    I’ll try it and report…next week.

    I know that editing without those shiny wysiwyg editors gives me total control…but…I’m building websites for end users…not for me. And here is a “nr1 mistake” that lot of posters here ignore.
    You build for end users: a secretary, an average office worker, your mom, school…
    For god sake…why someone not into webdesign should know html,css,js etc. ?

    When you buy a car and someone tell you: Hey our support service is cool but you don’t have control over your car. Go study all the books & technical charts about our engines and figure out by yourself what to do…yeah only than you’ll have the power.

    I’ts kind of exageration…but you don’t have to know all the stuff on anything. We, webdesigners are in charge for design, code, etc. End users on the other part care for better sales, ease of use, productivity.



    That’s exactly it, alainS.

    Also, I am a fan of control…it is true. And I don’t mind flipping over to code for that. On the other hand, WYSIWYG can be speedier sometimes…highlight and hit Apple-B and you’ve got bold text, instead of going in and typing [b] and [/b] (did the [ because not sure if the >< will show up)



    WYSIWYG editor is a must, imo. For exactly the reason that alain gave above. The typical blogger/forumer/etc know very little, if any, html. So giving them the capabilities to color a word, change the font size, etc is essential.

    ev3rywh3re’s editor still doesn’t allow me to click and change the font size, but at least the colors are there.

    webdressing, once you activate the plugin, then go tweak the settings, there’s an additional little box that shows up on the text editor that you have to click on. When you do, it gives you an additional editing bar with several functions.



    I don’t know if this is a good solution, but I think you might want to give it a try. The new Microsoft Word 2007 supports blogging onto wordpress so you can do all your writing on your computer then publish it to your blog.



    You can do everything anyone’s asked for here with a blogging client. Specifically, with Windows Live Writer from https://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/ (well, maybe not tables…. but I set up a quicktag to handle that).

    Now, that option t’is true may not be a good solution for endusers. Though I actually haven’t ever had one of my clients (even the less web-savvy ones) come to me and say “why can’t I have a wysiwyg in wp” or “why doesn’t wp work like word”. So there are degrees and degrees of need for this in clientele apparently.



    Yea the needs of the users are always different. I made Super Edit only because I had users that absolutely needed Tables and pasting from MS Word created some nasty issues that broke theme XHTML and CSS.

    Super Edit only augments the tinymce editor by packaging some of my users requested plugins. It does not replace it, and I try really hard not to get in the way of other great plugins like G2Image. Some of the WordPress core features such as “autop” and “wptexturize” can get in the way of doing fancy HTML work in posts and pages.

    I plan to branch the plugin this spring and develop exclusively for WordPress 2.1. But I’ll probably keep the old one around for folks stuck on WordPress 2.0. I want to see about doing some things to package the tinymce plugins separately, and to have options to allow users to shut off the WordPress stuff like autop and wptexturize.

    And the option I use the most for Super Edit is actually the “style” option since it tries to add and make changes to the style attribute. Layers are out because WordPress turns those into paragraphs, and too much wysiwyg tweaking can really bork your content.

    So the real story is that HTML is too complicated, and sadly it has always been that way. Believe it or not this early web page had to use 1 pixel graphics to give an illusion of tables / divs… because they weren’t invented in 1995. At least the background could tile ??

    no one has mentioned if more tags are supported in any of these wysiwygs. I was using chenpress, and it worked real good. FCKEditor has a snippets plugin that I used for the more tag. But it seems that chenpress does not work with 2.1.3.

    anyone had any luck with the more tag?

    I’m having problems with all of these editors rewriting my code. On some pages I create I need to just drop in some html code. I’m currently using fckeditor and tried tinymce advanced but found that both added code to my code after save. I’m putting my code in the html window in these editors. Anyone suggest an editor that absolutely doesn’t rewrite the code? Also, is it possible that wordpress itself is rewriting code?

    input code:

    <div class="rbbot">

    resulting page code:

    <div class="rbbot">

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