• Wondering which way to set up this site I’m working on, either single or multiples install. New to wordpress and finding my way around, and am curious the best way to do this site I want with these features:

    menu tabs for different category feeds
    bbpress forums, buddypress and a section of the site devoted to BP that uses a Facebook wall-style user experience
    directory of companies that advertise with the site, including links to their BP profiles, maybe like a geodirectory similar to yelp.
    product reviews

    I have a news theme (multi news) that I want to use for basically the entire site except the social aspect, which I have another social theme in mind for. Is there a way to do all these features in one install with plugins, or am I better off trying to do this with multi-site for the first time and creating one site for the news feeds and another connected site basically for the social media component?

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  • I have a news theme… I have another social theme…

    Although I have yet to ever do this, I do know it is possible to send out more than one theme from a single site. But if you ever happened to discover you truly needed a separate WordPress installation for whatever reason, it is easy to add one as a nested sub-domain, something like this:

    mysite.com –>> theme1
    mysite.com/social –>> theme2

    As I understand things, multi-site entails far more than I would want to try even with my current-and-hard-won two years of experience with multiple, separate sites.

    Thread Starter lehn6


    If I do it this way with the subdomains can I get Buddy Press working through both the main site and the subs together seamlessly?

    “Seamlessly” is quite a condition or expectation unless perceived somewhat relatively! Will whatever you do have issues to be worked out and/or possibly require a compromise or two? Almost certainly.

    I know nothing about BuddyPress, but it looks like you might find some answers here:


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