• I have two domains hosted on the same server. One is a personal WordPress blog, the other is a travel community vBulletin forum. For reference, the WordPress blog is located here: https://jordanlwheeler.com/blog , and my vBulletin forum user blog is located here: https://forums.lifepackr.com/blog.php/5

    I am a user on my vBulletin forum, and have my own blog on that system. I would like to duplicate any of my blog posts I make in my personal vBulletin user blog onto my personal WordPress blog. Or it could go the other way, duplicating any blog post I make in my personal WordPress blog onto the vBulletin user blog.

    I have found a few plugins that do something similar, but most of them post to vBulletin forums, not to user blogs.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated! Until then I’ll be copy/pasting manually.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    WordPress supports XML-RPC, and PHP is capable of interacting with something similar on a remote site. So the concept can certainly work on the WP end. Success would depend on what resources and capabilities you can access on your vBulletin blog. For that side of it I have no idea about what’s possible.

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