We have all the options available. Depending on your SEO strategy and time you can choose from the following:
1. Sub-directories for languages: domain.com/ru/…, domain.com/es/…, etc.
2. Sub-domains for languages: ru.domain.com/…, es.domain.com/…, etc.
3. Country specific domains for languages: domain.ru/…, domain.es/…, etc.
First option will not separate your main domain from the translations and they will all use same ranking and will also be indexed relatively fast.
Second option will use a separate rank per sub-domain but you will also need to take care about this sub-domains separately, for example create external links to each sub-domain. This is my preferred option.
Third option is similar to the second one, but will cost you money to purchase the country specific domains, this will give you the best option to rank high on local search engine results. domain.es has higher chance to rank top on google.es.
You can compare all the pros/cons on our FAQ: https://gtranslate.io/#faq
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