• I have a pretty busy comment section for my site and I wasn’t happy with the formatting the default wordpress comments provided. I had tried Discus in the past and absolutely loathed it so I went in search of a commenting plugin system that had to have some requirements:
    1. Had to be fast loading or have no extra load on the server.
    2. Had to have support. (updates/forums that were active).

    I found wp-discuz and haven’t looked back. I customized it’s look and feel and even got support from the forum regarding help with that. It’s not increased the load on my server at all. In fact it handles my site’s comments no problem.

    I loved it so much I ended up buying the add-on pack for the comments to support the company and get extra features I wanted.

    If you are not satisfied with the default wordpress plugins and want something more customizable and with extra features then consider Wp-Discuz! You won’t regret it.

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