• I’m new to Word Press…This is my current web site https://www.scottguitar.com ….I’m told I should upgrade to WP..

    could you take a quick look at my current web site and tell me how you would proceed?

    Is there a “step by step” guide on how I can build my web site?

    I will not be using the Blog capability….Web site only.

    thanks so much

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  • SOS!please help!

    I have a blog with wordpress or (www.ellezadina.com)

    I cant log in to it for several weeks -it does not recognise my password and I was trying to email it to all my mailboxes-it is says that the mailbox is not registered.

    I have to register again under Elle Z name
    Please help me to log in…
    Thank you


    Elle Z: It is considered impolite to try and highjack another poster’s thread. Please post a new topic.

    @uitarman1956: See this Codex section.

    Are you not using wordpress right now? Be sure you know the difference between www.remarpro.com and wordpress.com. If you want to place ads, you’ll need www.remarpro.com so you can host your website yourself. If its just about your own business, wordpress.com should work where they host your site for you. There are hundreds of wordpress tutorials out there, just search youtube for instance heres a step b step tutorial about how to blog with wodpress.com:

    If you are going to pay a hosting service, be sure to get one thats customer friendly since you dont have a big technical background. I’ve found hostgator works well.

    Thread Starter guitarman1956


    I’m already hosted at BlueHost for https://www.scottguitar.com where I built that web site with PageWizard. I’ve downloaded WP, and now I’m stuck..Can’t get any traction….I’ve done lots of “how to” reading, but its not clicking as to what I need to do next.

    You need to install WordPress first.

    Thread Starter guitarman1956


    I’ve installed WP….and, I’ve chosen a Theme..

    You need to remove your index.htm or index.html and keep your index.php file. WordPress uses index.php

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