• Resolved 90000690


    Creating configuration file I recive the following:

    If for any reason this automatic file creation doesn’t work, don’t worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php.

    What to do?

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  • Did everything get stuck there, or are you asking whether to proceed? If the automatic part did/does not work, you “simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php.”

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here');
    /** MySQL database username */
    define('DB_USER', 'username_here');
    /** MySQL database password */
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here');

    To do that, you will need FileZilla or something similar and an FTP (or preferably SFTP for better security) connection.

    note: When you are finished with that, you can set permissions for wp-config.php to 0600 or even to 0400 for added security in relation to that sensitive info.

    Thread Starter 90000690


    The problem is that i can’t create databases on MySQL before you make your changes in wp-config-sample. On the console of phpmyadmin there is no the possibility of “users” and then there is no users and I can’t create my database

    Where are you installing this? Locally on your own computer using XAMPP, MAMP, etc. or on a remote hosting account?

    If you’re using a local setup, such as XAMPP or MAMP, then usually the user and password for the connecting to the database is “root” (at least it is for MAMP).

    If you’re using a remote host that uses cPanel (which many do) then there should be an interface in cPanel that allows you to create the database, database user and associate the user with the database.

    But, if you’re needing more in depth information, please provide what type of setup you’re using (like what 2ninerniner2 asked for above).

    Good luck ??

    hello, i am too new in WordPress so I may not apply to the right forum topic. but, can you tell me if it is possible to install wordpress without uploading it on the server, like dreamviewer. i just need to see how to manage it without being in the Internet.
    thank you in advance.

    @mariamiabc: As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    thank you

    Thread Starter 90000690


    I solved this way: i used xampp and everything works well. With wamp i had problems. Thanks

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