Hi @mdxclr
Thank you for using our plugin!
Sorry I didn’t respond earlier, I did not have time to test roots/bedrock + sage together with our plugin any sooner and didn’t want to give you an answer without testing.
Am I correct in assuming you were requiring our complete plugin as a mu-plugin? I am asking this since our plugin also installs its own mu-plugin (the one you call the mu rest-cache helper). If you did, than yes our plugin isn’t working. This has to do with the mu-plugin created by our plugin, it doesn’t account for the fact that our plugin might be installed as a mu-plugin.
In order for this to work, you would have to change the mu-plugin created by our plugin. You would have to change:
if ( is_plugin_active( 'wp-rest-cache/wp-rest-cache.php' ) ) {
include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-rest-cache/wp-rest-cache.php';
$wp_rest_cache_api = new \WP_Rest_Cache_Plugin\Includes\API\Endpoint_Api();
into this:
include_once WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-rest-cache/wp-rest-cache.php';
$wp_rest_cache_api = new \WP_Rest_Cache_Plugin\Includes\API\Endpoint_Api();
So remove the if-clause and change the constant WP_PLUGIN_DIR