• I will be running a smallish site. A lot of the visitors are non-techie, so it needs to be easy and intuitive.

    I’m currently running phpbb, and I’m switching for a few reasons:

    • I want to integrate the forum into my theme.
    • I dislike core changes in phpbb being broken with every upgrade. Plugins would make thie easier.
    • I want it to display well on mobile.
    • I want a single sign on with WP.
    • These plugins look more simple and user-friendly than phpbb to novice users without requiring a lot of customization to make it so.

    I’ve read some forum comparison articles, and I’ve narrowed it down to these two. However, most of the articles were written a couple years ago or more, and it’s my understanding that bbpress has grown a lot in the last couple years?

    Why is Simple Press not listed in the plugins on www.remarpro.com? I was going to compare the number of downloads and ratings vs bbpress.

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  • I use BBpress – never tried simple press so can’t comment on that.

    BBpress does lack some documentation but once you played with it, it’s quite easy, and it does integrate with your theme.

    The site using it is


    and go to forums

    I have bbpress tweaks as a plugin to give me a forum specific sidebar

    If you need to do any kind of access control BBPress is currently very bad. Something basic like having a forum accessible only by certain members is not currently possible on BBPress.

    Have just finished a plugin

    bbp Private Groups


    This plugin adds private groups to the forums, allocating users to groups, and combinations of forums to those groups, creating multiple closed forums.

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