bbpress replies don't show on backend
I’m using bbpress and replies do not show on backend. They work well on frontend and all replies show up there as expected. This is the case, no matter if a reply is added on frontend or backend. The backend replies menu shows in the head line the correct number of replies (for “All”, “Published”, “Draft”, “Trash”). The behaviour of the lists is slightly different depending on the the type I select:
- For “All” and “Published”: the list is empty or shows only the most recent reply. No repetition of the list header or bulk actions is shown at the end of the list
- For “Draft”: the content area is alltogehter empty (not even the list headers or the buttons with the numbers of relies
- For “Trash”: it works correctly and shows the correct headers, list and list footer
WordPress: 4.2.3
So far the system is still under construction and contains only few entries. No internet access is possible.Installed plugins:
- Akismet 3.1.3
- bbPress: 2.5.8-5815
- bbpress auto subscribe for new topics and replies: 1.0
- Relevanssi: 3.4.2
- Reveal IDs: 1.4.6
- TinyMCE Advanced: 4.1.9
- UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: 1.10.3
- WordPress Importer: 0.6.1
- Xili-dictrinary: 2.12.1
- xili-language: 2.19.1
- xili-tidy-tags: 1.11.1
- Theme: twenty fourteen – child with CSS modifications
I did try to resolve the following without success:
- Deactivate all plugins execept bbpress
- Use of theme twenty fifteen
- Menu/Tools-Forum-Repair Forums … all relationships individually
- Delete and reinstall bbPress. This did show one unexpected behaviour. After reinstallation the forum entries were again present even though I instructed the system do delete all entries.
Somehow I suspect xili that it did mess with the tables, but as I have no access to the database itself I can not tell. Within xili the settings are now, after some playing around, that forum, topics and replies are not language dependent.
Any help is welcome.
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